ÉLÉVATIONE by Salvador Dali

ÉLÉVATIONE, a leading international skin care brand, was born from the idea that beauty goes beyond skin deep, and radiates even more than an aura. ÉLÉVATIONE believes beauty is concept, a construct, and a method…
View PostGuksu

by Daryl Fong I consider myself lucky to have a friend like Karen. People who are trustworthy and dependable are few and far between in today’s world and, moreover, Karen brings with her the rare…
View Post{Sundays with Raphael} Gone All Beany – Part 1

I’m sure I speak for all coffee addicts who have had the unfortunate experience of letting a day pass by without getting their caffeine fix when I say that it’s a tall order. There was a…
View PostLet’s make love, coffee, and magic

I’ve known Lerelyn for a decade now. She is a friend, a neighbour and the groomer I entrust my two furkids, Louis and Emmie to. Since she started running her own pet shop, she’s been…
View PostNovember 2014 {InstaFlashback}

I’ve been having a cray cray week and I almost can’t believe it’s Thursday already. When life gets busy, time flies which is a good thing as long as I don’t lose focus. I haven’t…
View Post6 Cities to visit in Spain from Madrid

I’ve been traveling for the majority of 2015 and one of the most impressive destinations I’ve travelled to is Spain. It’s a country I would re-visit again and again because there is just so much…
View PostB.K.T by Kong Kee at Far East Square (With Giveaway)

My family loves having a good Bak Kut Teh 肉骨茶 brunch over the weekend and I can’t believe we never explored B.K.T by Kong Kee at Far East Square till recently. There are two types…
View Post{Sundays with Raphael} Limoncello for Mother’s Day

Tucked away from the usual bustling evening scene of Robertson Quay, awed with a front view of the Singapore River and the backdrop of a man made cascading waterfall. Limoncello Pizza & Grill accentuates the…
View PostOctober 2014 {InstaFlashback}

Haven’t done a {InstaFlashback} in forever so I’m doing my Oct 2014 today instead of a {Throwback Thursdays} post. Considering how backlogged I am, it’s almost the same thing. I love taking time to look…
View PostOh Mickey!

Cap: Tokyo Disneyland (also seen here about 6 years ago!) Top and Skirt: Ching Shoes: Gucci This Minnie outfit was taken quite awhile back after a yoga class but I thought I’ll share a bright and…
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