First Hike at Werribee Gorge State Park after isolation

First Hike at Werribee Gorge State Park after isolation

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you know what’s been going on. We are all not feeling great about 2020. It’s the weirdest year, and we have all experienced disruptions to our…

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Melbourne Trip 2015

Melbourne Trip 2015

Today’s {Throwback Thursday} photos got me missing Melbourne. I always have such a lovely time there with close friends and good food. I was supposed to have organised a mini trip there this month to…

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7 Finds Worth Sharing – February 2016 Edition

7 Finds Worth Sharing – February 2016 Edition

As part of my ‘7 Finds worth sharing’ series, here are some of finds that I would love to share with you! 1. Bridge Cafe It’s not a new place but one which I actually…

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Cupcake on denim and a confession of everything that is wrong in my life

Cupcake on denim and a confession of everything that is wrong in my life

I’ve been dressing for comfort these days and fallen totally in love with this Alexa Chung for Ag romper. Denim is always such a utilitarian fabric and this collection has the perfect balance of tomboy…

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March 2015 {InstaFlashback}

March 2015 {InstaFlashback}

It’s been a long while since I did a flashback using my Instagram postings. So as part of the {Throwback Thursdays} lineup, here’s what went down in my life almost 10 months ago. I picked…

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{TBT} Byron Bay Road Trip in 2010

{TBT} Byron Bay Road Trip in 2010

            Oh yes, these were taken 6 years ago on an all girls trip road trip in Australia which I’m showcasing today as part of my {Throwback Thursday} series.These photos…

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February 2015 {InstaFlashback}

February 2015 {InstaFlashback}

Hello! I’m currently sitting in my Dubai hotel struggling with the slow wifi. I had originally intended to upload some blog posts that I had drafted earlier on but the weak wifi that keeps disconnecting…

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Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee

Having friends (like Raphael and JW) who are coffee fanatics means I get try out interesting coffee places during our meetups. One weekend (quite awhile ago already) brought us to Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee at…

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37 of The Best Things That Money Can’t Buy

37 of The Best Things That Money Can’t Buy

As I’m sitting in the dining room of my friend’s house on a beautiful island in Sweden, I realised that I am very blessed with many simple but wonderful experiences by just living a simple…

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{Throwback Thursdays} Pat Fagen Park, Gold Coast

{Throwback Thursdays} Pat Fagen Park, Gold Coast

Work seems a little overwhelming these days. I love what I do and I don’t regret for a little bit having my schedule packed to the fullest. Still, I do look back on the times…

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