March 2015 {InstaFlashback}

It’s been a long while since I did a flashback using my Instagram postings. So as part of the {Throwback Thursdays} lineup, here’s what went down in my life almost 10 months ago.

I picked up Godson Leo from school and had a lovely lunch with my bestie, Sushi, and her beautiful family.

Selfie taken at the airport while waiting to board my plane to Madrid courtesy of Spain Tourism Board and Thai Airways. I love the purple under highlights that my stylist Michelle did for me then.

Spring in Alcalá de Henares is gorgeous! I stayed at the Parador de Alacala de Henares which is a beautiful hotel that manages to balance modernity in a building that used to be a 17th-century monastery school and student lodgings located in the former San Jerónimo College. Cherry Blossoms were budding which was the perfect season for wine tasting and culture understanding at one of the oldest universities in the world! You can read and see more photos of at my other postings here!

I fell in love with Toledo, Spain at first sight. The gorgeous city architecture, the medieval sword crafting skills and the incredible natural moat that surrounds it makes it truly unforgettable. My favourite building there is the 13th century world heritage cathedral known as Catedral Primada Santa Maríade Toledo which is just as spectacular outside as it is inside. Read my posting on Toledo for more information.

Staying in Ávila Spain was like staying in a elaborate film set except the city and the romanesque 11th to 14 century walls are all a real part of history. Even though the city can be easily navigated on foot, I learnt that was a quick and fun way to see the whole city by taking a Tuk Tuk. The famous little Tuk Tuk that is more commonly seen in Bangkok has made its way to Ávila and it’s the perfect vehicle for the tiny alleyways. Read my full posting on Ávila here.

The wonderful city view of Salamanca, Spain, from my hotel balcony!

I love the peacefulness I get when walking along the Convent of St Stephen Monastery and I can’t think of a better place to watch the sunset then from the top of the La Clerecia Towers in Salamanca, Spain. To see more photo and learn interesting facts about Salamanca, read my other posts here.

Had the most friendly guide, Martha in Segovia, Spain. She took us to see the fairytale Alcáza which is where famous Disney Castle drew their inspiration from. However, it was the Roman Aqueduct that really stole my breath away. Acknowledged as the most important Roman civil engineering work in Spain, it is located in Plaza del Azoguejo and has been there since the 1st or early 2nd century. Standing next to this awesome engineering feat, I can’t hardly believe how the  25,000 or more granite blocks can be held together without any mortar and yet withstand the ages of time. The whole thing spans 818 meters with more than 170 arches, the highest being 29 metres high.

In Madrid, Spain, it was churros for snacks, before shopping at Cortez and then visiting the world famous Real Madrid Soccer Stadium. I really wished I had more time to truly explore and enjoy the city of Madrid.

From Spain I flew to Melbourne, Australia. The city of good coffee, food and friends. The first coffee I had the day I landed was an ice dripped Nekisses Red at Oakroom. Delicious! Then Raphael brought me around to do some cafe hopping. I had a nice cup of morning hot chocolate at Think Tank before heading the the Melbourne Crown.

The main reason for heading to Melbourne – The Flying Fat Duck by Heston Blumenthal. Hands down the best degustation I’ve ever had. A 14 course lunch that manipulated every single one of my sensory organs. Unforgettable and I have Raphael to thank for insisting to bring me for this experience. Despite having disorientation due to jet lag (adjusting from Europe time to Aussie time is a total bitch), the hefty price tag and almost impossible to get reservations, I would gladly do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Had brunch with Charms and Andre at Raphael’s favourite coffee roaster in Melbourne, Monk Bodhidharma.

Then off grab some raw organic handmade goodies at Pana Chocolates. My favourite chocolatier that doesn’t use refined sugar, soy or gluten in their chocolate recipes.

Brunch outing with Raphael and Andre in Fitzroy.

Had a fun day out on the famous Puffing Billy!

Omakase lunch at Shoya before meeting my girlfriend Myvanwy for more catching up.

Raphael is always taking me to try more food even when I’m stuffed but I’m glad he brought me to Pidapipó Gelateria because I fell head over heels with the ice-cream there. Had the mint chocolate and pistachio ice-creams with honeycomb topping which was a very close competitor to their strawberry rose ice-cream. I wish I had four stomachs like a cow so I could store all these goodies up in my belly. Totally #firstworldproblems.

Every single time I come to Melbourne, I’ll schedule a hot spring soak at Peninsular Springs. Over the years it has become increasingly crowded which terrible news for me. I really need to find another equally good hot springs to try in Melbourne. Is there any? Or is this the only one?

Started the day at Queen Victoria Market and ended with sunset over Melbourne CBD. I remembered that I was pretty moody that day with many uncertainties looming over my head but somehow it got cleared out. I get like that sometimes, when I think too much. Looking back, I really miss the nights of fun and games with Clara and David while lounging in their living room having hot tea. Sometime we end up moving ourselves upstairs, sharing one blanket, each with our own iMac, chatting while doing our own stuffs like 70 year old friends who are too close to worry about etiquette or decorum. It’s the sense of comfort and friendship I miss.

I was in the air when our beloved Mr. LKY passed on and news came scrambling in from family and friends the moment I landed in New Zealand. I feel a sense of deep loss for the man that made it all happen for the place I call home. For the opportunities I’ve been given and the pride that I have in the strength of my country.

Spent some time with my Grandma and family in New Zealand. Did a lovely road trip in North Island as well. My Godpa took me hiking and no matter how many times I’ve visited New Zealand, the scenery still blows my mind.

Girl bonding time with my Godma as we had a picnic by the waters before going for a night kayak adventure.

The sunset off the water. Taken from my kayak. We rowed down the river guided by moonlight to caves filled with glow worms.

Redwood forests of giant trees, clear spring waters and lush greenery in New Zealand.

Role reversal! My grandma is gleefully pushing me around in her wheelchair. She says she feels strong for once and told me not to say I’m her granddaughter so she can trick her friends into believing that she went New Zealand to volunteer her services. Granny hasn’t lost her sense of humor. Seeing this photo reminds me of how much my granny has weakened physically over the last 10 months. She’s back in Singapore so I see her almost weekly.

Visited New Zealand only tea farm. Quite interesting. I didn’t take anymore photos the last few days I was in New Zealand as I spent most of the time chatting with my granny in the room. At that time she was still watching and following the reports of the MH370 crash investigations and we would discuss possibilities. This post also reminds me that spending time with family is important.

Thanks for reminiscing with me and have a great week.


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