We all feel lousy sometimes


It’s already mid-June! Gosh, I can’t even believe that half the year has passed.  There’s so much I’ve accomplished in the past six months, and so much more I want to do. Unfortunately, I’ve been a little moody since I got back from my recent trip to Italy. I loved my trip and would share more photos and stories soon, but for some strange reason, jet-lagged hit me hard this time. I rarely get so disoriented even when I travel through multiple time zones. Maybe its because I had a lot of responsibilities and a full schedule to adhere to this time around.

Despite efforts to sleep earlier so I can adjust better to the local time zone, I find myself tossing in bed for a few hours. I’ll end up waking to grab a bite, watch a couple of episodes of Netflix in bed until my eyes are too heavy to resist sleep. By that time, it’s almost morning, and I would need to wake up in about four hours, leaving me with an accumulating sleep debt and a moody personality.

Using colours to brighten up my mood and keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll feel better soon. I’m also back to wearing my fitness tracker cause I’m feeling fat (okay it’s not just a feeling, I’ve got a serious food belly recently) and bloated! I usually share positivity and gratefulness because I do feel that way most of the time. But, I wanted my friends, family and readers to know that life doesn’t only have high notes and that is okay. Feeling lousy (like I do now) happens in real life and sharing it helps. Thanks for reading!




  1. June 12, 2018 / 6:49 pm

    I love these photos – you look absolutely stunning!

    Also, hope you recover from your jetlag quickly xx

    • admin
      June 20, 2018 / 6:25 pm

      Hi Bry,

      Thank you! It took a few days but I’m all better now 🙂

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