ScreenSingapore Closing Night

Was invited by Starhub to attend the ScreenSingapore red carpet events. As it turns out, I could only make it for the closing night as my schedule was pretty tied up that week. Nevertheless, that one night was star studded enough with multitudes of local and international celebrities! I love just watching their gorgeous gowns!

The movie chosen to be premiered for the closing of Screen Singapore is “Larry Crowne”. The two-time Academy Award winner Tom Hanks directs, co-writes and co-stars with fellow Oscar winner Julia Roberts in the movie. And meeting Tom Hanks was definitely the highlight of the night for me even though security around him was tight and they kept rushing him.

I brought my sister along and she brought along “Woody” from Toy Story to let Tom Hanks autograph it. Tom was so kind and expressed his surprised and delight when he saw the toy so my sister got her wish 😛 It came out in the Sunday Papers awhile back but I didn’t get that copy.



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