5 Places to eat at Far East Square

Far East Square is in the heart of the CBD and I love their heritage shophouse concept yet surprisingly I’ve never really had a chance to fully explore the place. Not too long ago, I…
View PostUltherapy at Halley – A cutting edge procedure without needing to cut

We all want to look the best that we can possibly be. I don’t want to look like someone else but I would love to look like the prettiest version of me possible. To do…
View PostCroyez Studios

It’s Friday again! This week has slid past me really quickly especially since I spent my mid-week nursing a fever. I’m so glad that I’m feeling much better now and can sit down to write a…
View PostNTUC Income RUN 350, Organised by Young NTUC

The registration for NTUC Run 350, organised by NTUC Young is coming to a close on 28th January so if you are keen to join, sign up now! Jun Wei and I went for the…
View PostN.E.mation! 9 {Higher Than You}

You may have read my last post about my participation in N.E.mation! 9 this year and my first meeting with Team Chunky Monkeys (#NE9C04) and if you haven’t, you really should! In this post, I’ll…
View PostN.E.mation 9! {Chunky Monkeys}

Renzze is away on a media trip and I headed down to visit the N.E.mation teams without her. This is the first time in a long time that I have been part of any total defence…
View PostSculptra with Celevenus

I’m sure most of you have heard about using facial fillers to achieve better contours on your face but today I want to share with you an interesting procedure called Sculptra. Unlike fillers, Sculptra does…
View Post100 Doraemon Exhibition

Sorry for the unexpected hiatus I took from blogging. I’m currently still in Australia for an extended birthday trip. I fell quite sick on the first week I arrived down under and took forever to…
View PostAugust 2014 {InstaFlashback}

I haven’t been blogging as much this week but I’ve had the blog on my mind a lot. The 2nd half of 2014 seems to be passing even faster than the first half and I…
View PostAfternoon tea and after dinner drinks

There will always be those crazy mornings that make you want to laugh at the hilarity of it while crying at the absurdity of the situation. This morning is one such morning for me. I’m…
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