What love isn’t

Had a heart to heart conversation with a friend who was having a difficult time in her marriage while feeling the pressures of life, family and social media. When the relationship was all rosy and sweet,…
View PostFlights of birds in Nagoya

I’ve been a terrible blogger. Probably a better traveler but definitely a terrible blogger in the last few months. I had been juggling working and traveling for quite a few years now. In fact, I…
View PostWhat’s your number

I’m 42 because that’s the number of countries I’ve traveled to so far. I believe that life is not about your age, it’s about your accomplishments, about how you feel. There are a lot of…
View PostMajestic Tree in Queenstown, New Zealand

Although I’m a city girl born and bred in the city island of Singapore, I’m constantly craving to be surrounded by nature. Singapore is pretty green for a city but the intensity of nature pales…
View PostTraining to climb Everest (or at least to the base camp)

I’m not the fittest person around but but through sheer will and tenacity, I hope to at least make it to Everest Base Camp next month as part of my ‘Explore Asia 2016’ plan. I’ve…
View PostCupcake on denim and a confession of everything that is wrong in my life

I’ve been dressing for comfort these days and fallen totally in love with this Alexa Chung for Ag romper. Denim is always such a utilitarian fabric and this collection has the perfect balance of tomboy…
View PostGrowing with coffee and an exciting annoucement

Today’s {Throwback Thursday} post features some photo snippets that follows Raphael’s little coffee journey in Singapore. Raphael and I got wow-ed by filtered coffee and Ninetyplus beans in Melbourne by chance. When he came back to…
View PostTaking one step at a time

Hello everyone. It’s 29th February, a leap day that happens only once every 4 years. I’ve had an intense weekend and I think that my body is feeling the brunt of that today. Nevertheless, it’s…
View PostMarch 2015 {InstaFlashback}

It’s been a long while since I did a flashback using my Instagram postings. So as part of the {Throwback Thursdays} lineup, here’s what went down in my life almost 10 months ago. I picked…
View PostYou are not the center of the universe

It’s been a crazy week taking care of my whole family, checking up on my granny, sending my sister to KK Hospital for a sudden emergency and getting my mother to do TCM treatment for…
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