Canvas Perfection

It was such a chore getting my home ready after 2 months of dust had settled into every nook and cranny while I was away. It didn’t help that my schedule was full when I got back and I fell seriously ill as well. But amidst all that, I still love being back in Singapore. I’ve already did some general cleaning of the dust so that my home is livable but there is much more to be done and I’m gonna take my time to slowly muck around my house clearing old items and adding new ones.

One of the newest additions to my home is these canvas portraits of my dogs and I from Canvas Perfection. They were delivered to my home early January but I was away and didn’t have time to display them till recently. Friends that have been to my home would have realized that I love portraits. When I was a teenager, I never liked portraits but with age, I grew to love capturing them and displaying them. It’s not just the headshot that you want to remember but the emotions and feelings that translates on those faces. We’re aging everyday and even looking back on portraits taken just a year ago, it reminds me that even though we have moved on in the passages of time, we still treasure every second of our past.

My two dogs, Louis and Emmie have also been a big part of my life for the last 6 years and I have watched them aged from hyper little devilish puppies to the comfort driven intelligent little angels they are today. Their expressions and fur has changed and I wanted some canvas portrait prints put up to remind me of their changes so that I will make even more effort to spend more time with them.

I selected two portrait photographes I took of them previously and sent them to Canvas Perfection for the prints. The choice of having them in black and white gives them a classic touch and a more enduring quality. Louis portrait is not the prettiest one of him but it captures a moment of him looking exactly like an “Iron Chef” when I put the chef’s hat on him. I wasn’t premeditated and  I was surprised at the uncanny resemblance when I took it. Emmie’s portrait captures her looking all regal and lady with her flower hat. Normally Emmie is quite a tomboy so I love that this portrait captured a different side of her.

These portraits now sit at the top of my piano.

In case you are wondering, Canvas Perfection does prints in various sizes and they also print in color. After recommendations from Joy of Canvas Perfection, I had a self portrait of me printed in color on canvas. This photo was taken about 2 years ago when I looked much younger. It makes a wonderful addition to the home and a wonderful gift as well.

I love the quality and how easy it was to get these canvas prints done. Maybe next time I can work on choosing prints with wonderful scenery taken from my many trips.



  1. Aiyin
    March 25, 2013 / 3:17 pm

    Your dogs are so cute!!!!! I love how Emmie looks. Is printing the canvas expensive?

    • March 25, 2013 / 3:26 pm

      Hi Aiyin,

      Thanks! The printing is not expensive compared to the market prices out there. Just visit the website for all the different sizes and cost. I love how everything is so transparent.

  2. Aiyin
    March 25, 2013 / 3:17 pm

    Your dogs are so cute!!!!! I love how Emmie looks. Is printing the canvas expensive?

    • March 25, 2013 / 3:26 pm

      Hi Aiyin,

      Thanks! The printing is not expensive compared to the market prices out there. Just visit the website for all the different sizes and cost. I love how everything is so transparent.

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