Vietnam Street Food

As I wander through the city streets in Ho Chi Minh city, I came across lots of road side food stalls and I was amazed to find a huge array of choices. Beef is probably one of the most used meat in their local food and they have very nice Vietnamese pancakes as well. Whenever a dish requires cheese, I noticed that they always use the “Laughing Cow” brand of cheese which is absolutely delightful because I grew up eating and loving “Laughing Cow” cheese!

While I’m well aware that bakeries don’t fall under the category of street food but I just wanted to share the gorgeous cakes I found from a bakery by the road. It has really beautiful floral and animal cream cakes that shows influence from the French colonial times. And these beautiful one, two and 3 tier cakes are also really cheap! I think it was less than S$30 for the Tiger cake and about $50 for a floral 2 tier wedding cake! The same cake with  the sort of skill involved would easily cost a hundred in Singapore.


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