USA Spring Trip Part 3

More pictures!

We went white water rafting without a guide!!! I had thought it’ll be easy since I’ve done class 3 and 4 with a guide. But it wasn’t! It was in early spring and the ice waters were melting so the water was icy cold and rough! I had lots of arm exercise that day and my aunt was terrified we wouldn’t make it down river in one piece. But we did! And I’m really glad I did it cause it was a totally adrenaline pumped experience. I even swam in the icy cold river without feeling cold because I was so high on adrenaline.

The view on the way up the mountains. It’s spectacular. Autumn is still my favorite season for mountain trips but spring doesn’t let me down either.

Hiking in the cold cold weather. It’s supposed to be spring but we had abnormal winter weather in some parts. All credits to global warming.

In the town of Helen which is like a swiss village in the alps!

At a different log cabin… warming myself up next to the fire.

Very tacky picture but I was doing morning stretches!

Was at the start of the famous Appalachians trail. Of course I didn’t hike all the way across mountains… would have taken days camping in the wild with the bears! I would like to do that but only if I have an experience guide! So instead I hiked up the highest waterfall on the eastern seaboard of the US instead!

The Amicolola Falls is a beauty and worth every step I took to get to the top.

This is taken at the lodge at the top of the mountain. The view is beautiful and people come here to get married!

I don’t ever miss horse riding in most of my trips. I love riding horses so much it’s a pity I didn’t grow up in a ranch! We took the horses on a day ride through rivers and lakes.

Ever seen a horse scratch himself… hee

Callaway Gardens. 14,000 amazing acres of beauty. If you are a flower lover than this is a must see destination. President Roosevelt had polio so he spent most of his time here in his little white house… enjoying the gardens and the hot spring waters. If you attend Sunday service in the church at one of the nearby towns you’ll get to meet President Jimmy Carter who would be more than happy to sign you an autograph if you attend his Sunday class.!!

The butterfly aviary had so many live butterflies of various colors. I’ve never seen that many in my life! They even had species brought in from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia!

Stop by the US military cemetery to pay my respects to Grandpa Hicks. He died 2 years ago… 3 month after I was there to celebrate Christmas with him. He was a brilliant man that served in the navy in WW2 and later worked at NASA on the Apollo projects. He may have been cranky in his old age but he was dearly missed and I regret not being able to attend his grand state funeral at that time. My sister was present on my family’s behalf.

There are probably a couple more places I visited but took no pictures as the trip was mainly recorded in video. Also, this trip was mostly outdoor and activity based so it was in convenient to bring electronics with us unless we were prepared to risk damaging them. But for my friends that would like to see more… you can view the videos when you come over my place to visit ya?



  1. Vivien
    May 30, 2007 / 4:32 am

    These Photos are beautiful, dear Karen aka renzze!!!
    LoVe wat u are wearing too!!! 😀

    I especially LoVe the Callaway Gardens!!!
    The flowers are blooming so beautifully!!! 😀
    And the butterflies and moths are also so pretty!!!

    Amazing! It’s like we at Wonderland there!!! 😀
    Everything interesting and pretty!!!

    Take good care!!! 😀

  2. Vivien
    May 30, 2007 / 4:32 am

    These Photos are beautiful, dear Karen aka renzze!!!
    LoVe wat u are wearing too!!! 😀

    I especially LoVe the Callaway Gardens!!!
    The flowers are blooming so beautifully!!! 😀
    And the butterflies and moths are also so pretty!!!

    Amazing! It’s like we at Wonderland there!!! 😀
    Everything interesting and pretty!!!

    Take good care!!! 😀

  3. June 3, 2007 / 1:55 am

    nice pics babe!
    with a pretty babe!

  4. June 3, 2007 / 1:55 am

    nice pics babe!
    with a pretty babe!

  5. June 5, 2007 / 11:14 pm

    Vivien: Thanks! I think you would love Callaway gardens too cause you like bright and pretty things!

    Xiaoxin: mei nu! Very long never see you liao. Would you be going to yan’s dinner on the 15th?

  6. June 5, 2007 / 11:14 pm

    Vivien: Thanks! I think you would love Callaway gardens too cause you like bright and pretty things!

    Xiaoxin: mei nu! Very long never see you liao. Would you be going to yan’s dinner on the 15th?

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