USA Spring Trip Part 2

I know I was supposed to have done this up a long time ago and in detail! But as much as I love keeping contact with my friends and blog readers through my posts I really haven’t had enough time. I’m a total procrastinator. All my free time seems to get wasted away so easily!

Just to show you a small sample of the things I owe myself and the people around me.

– I need to get my aunt’s legal paperwork and letters done up.
– I need to arrange time to bring my grandma and grandpa over. They have been wanting to visit since I came back.
– I need to get all the US videos edited so I can send them out.
– I need to burn out Louis’ DVD for my friends.
– I need to buy a pink dress for my friend’s wedding! I’m her jie mei!
– I need to get together with my other gal pals to arrange the hen’s night.
– I need to really get my act together to clean out the boxes of clothes in the guest room so I can buy new furniture!
– I need to sort out my piles of bills into their respective folders.
– I need to get my camera repaired.
– I need to get to the dry cleaners.

And there is more! But I dun want to write down the entire never ending list simply because the to-do list would freak me out!

So instead of the blow by blow version of my US trips with pictures and videos… I’m just gonna do the cliff notes version and post the very few pictures I have for my back to nature 3 weeks trip. Some of you have already seen these pictures. And for those that haven’t… enjoy.

Me at New York Times Square! Had lunch at the nearby Applebee’s Restaurant and then spent the whole day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Candid picture of me at the beach in Florida, facing the Atlantic Ocean at St Patrick’s Air Base.

Here with Uncle Tom and Auntie Margaret.

I’m at the Kennedy Space Center. I’ve always seen it in Nat Geo and Discovery channel so it was pretty amazing being able to tour the rockets and facilities first hand. If you look closely you can see launch site B behind me.

This huge building behind me is only one storey! And thats where they modify the rocket after it’s assembled. The flag on the building is the biggest painted flag in the world and the width of one star on that flag is the size of a NBA basketball court! Grandpa Hicks used to work here on the rockets. He was the head engineer for the Apollo missions.

This is taken at Savannah, Georgia. It’s one of the oldest towns in the united states. Very southern feel. The streets are still made up of cobble stones and here you can still see traditional sweets and taffies all made the good old fashion way.

One of the cabins we stayed at in the woods. It may not look much but it can withstand really strong winds!

The fireplace inside the cabin.

I took the loft room while my aunt and uncle had the main bedroom.

My bed!

The view of outside from the loft.

Even the toilets are so nicely made up in country theme.

We had a jacuzzi in the deck. Imagine being in that warm bubbly water with the woods all around.

And BBQ dinner afterwards!

This cabin even had a game room in the basement.


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