Took Valueair to Bali

I’ve been procrastinating about posting my bali trip… I almost didn’t want to post it at all but my parents and friends wants to see the pictures I took so that they can plan their trip there soon. Especially since I was full of praises for that little island. (okay, the little place is still way bigger then Singapore.)

It was the first time I took valueair and the tiny plane was like a mini freezer! If you look at the pictures below you’ll see the cold air blasting from almost every crevice in the plane!

I had originally intended to blog more but I’m running late to meet Clara and Koji so I’ve to continue my blogging later… soon soon… tata!



  1. ALLkinds
    October 29, 2008 / 12:03 pm

    ahaha~ me too! can’t wait to see ur bali pics..
    again, thanks in advance for sharing with us..

  2. ALLkinds
    October 29, 2008 / 12:03 pm

    ahaha~ me too! can’t wait to see ur bali pics..
    again, thanks in advance for sharing with us..

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