The importance of doing nothing

Stress is a common term these days, especially so in a fast-paced and hectic society like Singapore. We all complain about it but we don’t do anything actively to change our lifestyle because we are too busy pursuing our ambitions and have accepted it to be a way of life. While stress gives us the drive to excel, in the long run it damages our body and I have suffered the brunt of it before. Many people get stressed from different things with the most common one being work. For me , my weakest point is stress from my family. They matter a lot to me which brings me a lot of happiness usually. Unfortunately, it’s normal for any relationship to have difference of opinions from time to time  and when there is strife, I get even more affected. I’m am just learning that it’s important to say “No” sometimes as well.

Over the years, I learn that long term stress leads to lack of sleep and a bad digestive system for me. I even tend to fall ill more easily! But certain outlooks can counter the effects of stress. One of it is to clear my mind to do nothing but just enjoy nature for awhile. When I return to issues, I usually get a much better perspective and a calmer way of handling issues.  Of course one doesn’t always have the luxury of taking time off, so I would take a lighter and more positive outlook on life and understand that while I may not be able to control the actions and thoughts of others, I should never lose the control of mine. I must say that having a good support network from love ones, friends, colleagues and family are also essential in helping me maintain my balance.

Hopefully, any of my reader who are feeling stress right know for whatever reasons, can clear the heads and calm their souls but taking a deep breath and focusing on themselves every once in awhile.



    April 9, 2011 / 9:10 am

    LoVe reading your BLoG a lot, dear Karen!!! 😀
    Hope u continue to Blog for forever!!!

    -VIVIEN aka MiniVivi

    • April 11, 2011 / 9:07 pm

      Hi Vivien,

      Great to be hearing from you 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words.

    April 9, 2011 / 9:10 am

    LoVe reading your BLoG a lot, dear Karen!!! 😀
    Hope u continue to Blog for forever!!!

    -VIVIEN aka MiniVivi

    • April 11, 2011 / 9:07 pm

      Hi Vivien,

      Great to be hearing from you 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words.

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