Majestic Tree in Queenstown, New Zealand

Although I’m a city girl born and bred in the city island of Singapore, I’m constantly craving to be surrounded by nature. Singapore is pretty green for a city but the intensity of nature pales…
View PostMarch 2015 {InstaFlashback}

It’s been a long while since I did a flashback using my Instagram postings. So as part of the {Throwback Thursdays} lineup, here’s what went down in my life almost 10 months ago. I picked…
View PostRun 77

These photos were taken in New Zealand on the last morning of my stay at the very beautiful Lake Tekapo. Run 77 was fast becoming one of my favourite stopover point in south island. It’s where I…
View PostTraveling Essential Gadgets

I’ve been traveling more than ever this year and have accumulated quite a substantial backlog of travel posts. I fully subscribe into the “Living in the moment” philosophy and would do it all over again…
View Post{Travelling Tuesdays} Capturing Stars

I consider New Zealand as one of my favourite countries to visit because the scenery there is simply spectacular. On my last visit to Lake Tekapo (which also looks amazing during the day.), I decided…
View Post{Travelling Tuesdays} Mount John Observatory

As I’m writing this post, the haze is returning back to Singapore and I’m not sure if that’s the cause of my slightly sluggish attitude and tired skin. I’m a little under the weather these…
View Post{Travelling Tuesdays} Away to Lake Tekapo

It’s been awhile since I did a {Travelling Tuesdays} post. Ironically, it’s because I’ve been traveling more. I’m hopping within destinations faster than my body can recover and it’s time to sit down, think and find…
View PostLeBunny Bleu

LeBunny Bleu originates from New York City but has won the world over with their wide selection of pretty yet modestly priced shoes. Although the brand is American, I actually first heard the name in…
View PostApril 2014 {InstaFlashback}

I’ve been travelling so much these days that I’m more away than I am around. I’m feeling totally blessed that I have the opportunity to take time off to pursue my dreams and my flashback…
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