Sending Clara Off again

One of my besties, Clara, had come to the end of her short visit in Singapore and it was time for her to go back to Melbourne. I’ll miss her but I’m also cheering her on for her to finish her studies and become a successful fashion designer!

Her dad invited some of her close friends for dinner at her place before she left and the food was crazily awesome! I had been hinting that I wanted to try Uncle Hwang’s Ba Kut Teh cause I had hear so much raves about it and eventually I did! It was definitely not a let down and I think I stuffed myself beyond full that night! All the dishes were super yummy and my favorite was the savory yu sheng he prepared for dessert! I never had yu sheng like that. Usually the yu sheng I have are the sweet kinds you see during Chinese New Year with lots of colors and crackers. This one was not sweet bu savory and had lots of vegetables. It was really yummy!

Sushi had to go back early because of little Leo so the rest of us and the family sent Clara off to the airport.

It was kinda of a dejavu moment because almost a year ago all of us were at the same spot sending Clara to Melbourne for her studies for the first time. Clara’s grandma who had also sent her off previously had passed away in the time she was back. So the memories were a little bittersweet. However, this is a close knitted family and there’s enough love to keep everyone balanced.

My favorite photo captured that day has got to be the one above. Clara’s grandpa pulled her over to tell her a little secret. He said he knew her heart is in Melbourne and that she wants to stay there for good and it’s okay. It’s so sweet and so intimate and unexpected. Making this a photo a priceless capture.

After all the smiles and laughter, it was finally time to really say goodbye. I usually hate goodbyes but at least I know I’ll be seeing her again soon enough. For some reason a large portion of my closest pals all chose to have their lives out of Singapore. We still keep in touch and our friendship is intact but I can’t help but wish they were nearer at hand 🙁


Here is the outfit I wore that day. A weekend friendly romper from Liz Lisa and my Liz Lisa picnic basket.


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