Best of my trip to Spain – Alcalá de Henares

I had the most wonderful time exploring Spain last year and have been answering quite a bit of emails about the places I went after posting up photos of them on my Instagram account (@renzze…
View PostSpringtime blossoms in Alcalá de Henares

Every year, I try to make it a point to catch springtime blossoms in Japan or Korea as they are famous for their cherry blossoms or better known as Sakura. This year however, I had…
View PostSweets of Alcalá de Henares

If you have no idea where Alcalá de Henares is then please read all about this amazing UNESCO Heritage Site in my previous post about Alcalá de Henares. As a visitor to Alcalá, I found the University…
View PostUNESCO Heritage Site: Alcalá de Henares

Technically, I was in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, during end winter season. But spring came a week or two earlier this year and the weather was simply perfect with blue skies and cool weather. I could…
View PostBest of my trip to Spain – Madrid

I really enjoyed visiting Spain. There was so much culture, architecture, food and experiences that has embedded themselves deeply into my memories. Spain has more to offer than I expected and I would love to…
View PostMarch 2015 {InstaFlashback}

It’s been a long while since I did a flashback using my Instagram postings. So as part of the {Throwback Thursdays} lineup, here’s what went down in my life almost 10 months ago. I picked…
View Post6 Cities to visit in Spain from Madrid

I’ve been traveling for the majority of 2015 and one of the most impressive destinations I’ve travelled to is Spain. It’s a country I would re-visit again and again because there is just so much…
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