Rest and Relax

Didn’t do much in Penang except rest, relax and eat.

AC brought everyone to his favorite foot reflex spa center and we were all well pampered. I slept through half the one hour session and I’m not sure if it’s a good thing I was so relaxed that I fell asleep or a bad thing that I could sleep though a massage that is paid for by the minute.

The rest of the evening was spent at the local night market where AC when gaga buying his tv serials and there was pretty much nothing that caught my eye. I did however, notice that The Ship Restaurant was there. I had dinner at The Ship once in KL city with ex-classmates a couple of years ago and it didn’t strike me as anything spectacular. Has anyone tried the one one in Penang? And do they live up to what they advertise? After all, they state that they are the best steak in town. I didn’t want to get swindled so I gave it a miss.



  1. June 3, 2010 / 2:00 pm

    more than 10 yrs ago when I went to Penang to work, I already saw this rest. le… so it had been there for so long le… so I guess is …… wahahahaha…. ;p

    • June 7, 2010 / 10:18 pm


      Lol… from the feedbacks I heard, you haven’t missed anything much!

  2. June 3, 2010 / 2:00 pm

    more than 10 yrs ago when I went to Penang to work, I already saw this rest. le… so it had been there for so long le… so I guess is …… wahahahaha…. ;p

    • June 7, 2010 / 10:18 pm


      Lol… from the feedbacks I heard, you haven’t missed anything much!

  3. June 3, 2010 / 2:01 pm

    oh, I also nvr tried this that time… wahahaha

  4. June 3, 2010 / 2:01 pm

    oh, I also nvr tried this that time… wahahaha

  5. June 12, 2010 / 10:57 pm

    hihi… you often drive to Malaysia? I love the food in Ipoh and Penang !

    • June 13, 2010 / 7:37 am


      Yes I either take a flight or drive up whenever to enjoy the food and the great outdoors! Having a roadtrip to places in Malaysia is as close to “driving interstate” exploring as we can have in Singapore. Something I really enjoyed doing when I was living in Australia and US.

  6. June 12, 2010 / 10:57 pm

    hihi… you often drive to Malaysia? I love the food in Ipoh and Penang !

    • June 13, 2010 / 7:37 am


      Yes I either take a flight or drive up whenever to enjoy the food and the great outdoors! Having a roadtrip to places in Malaysia is as close to “driving interstate” exploring as we can have in Singapore. Something I really enjoyed doing when I was living in Australia and US.

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