Pulau Ubin Picnic

Warning: This post is going to be photo intensive!!!

Firstly, I didn’t whip out my camera as much that day so some of these pictures are from Clara and Parith. Thanks for being such enthusiastic company and for taking wonderful shots!

About 2 weeks back on a very sunny Saturday, we all decided to go Pulau Ubin for a cycling-picnic trip. The trip was spearheaded by our dearest Gio. And considering how late we all partied hard the night before ( or rather that morning) and how little rest we had, we still look pretty perked up!

The bum boat ride is always fun for me. I love how the wind blows me away (almost) while I stand on the rear end of the boat. In this particular vessel, there was a really interesting poetry titled ” Fustrations”  taped on the wall that caught my eyes.

It goes:

” Say Also Don’t Listen

Listen Also Don’t Understand

Don’t Understand Also Don’t Ask

Ask Also Don’t Do

Do Also Do Wrong

Do Wrong Also Don’t Admit

Admit Also Don’t Correct

Correct Also Not Happy

Not Happy Also Don’t Say”

Ah…. how true! The Bumboat Uncle must have gotten his fair share of frustrations.

The first thing to do was to get our mountain bikes! That isn’t hard at all considering the number of rental stores here. There is also surprisingly quite a crowd that comes to this little island on weekends. Sylvian’s pictured here with his blue cooler bag… for the wines!!! We actually had a bottle of wine for all 3 of the pit stops we had on this cycling trip…. not very hydrating is it?

Off we go!!! But remember it’s very important to check your bikes and the breaks before you leave town or else you might get into a wee bit of trouble. Which is exactly what happened to Gio’s bike!

But with the number of hands and brains working on that little issue, it wasn’t too big of a hiccup.

Some of the off tracks uphills can be a little challenging to those ( like us) who haven’t been training but the trick was to keep on going… once you stop your bike on an uphill climb… it’s too hard to start again and you’ve gotta end up walking the rest of the up slope. Pretty rock quarry scenery helps motivate too!

I wore my little Ah-pek outfit (you know, the white singlet with shirt combo) while Clara was dressed in cheery bright hues. My choice of poison to ward off mosquitoes was to stick those blue mosquito patches on the inside of my checkered shirt so that it’ll be enough to me to ward them off without irritating my skin. I’ve got rather sensitive skin so I couldn’t stick it directly on my skin (dubbed by Clara as fertility patch style).

Other than cycling, we did some hiking and climbing up the tower to overlook the island… it was a very physical day… and that was exactly what I needed! I definitely look forward to planning another Ubin trip some time again in the near future.

Thanks to the guys who carried water!!! It was a much coveted resource that day. Of course I guess I’d also have to thank the brains behind the guy that installed the vending machine with cold 100 plus in the middle of Ubin. He’s probably making an obscene profit!

Dinner was local seafood at the jetty village. It’s either really good or we’re so hungry that it’s so good!

Check out the video!





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