Poor Little Emmie

Been up too my neck micromanaging almost everything. I need to learn to delegate!!!

2 -3 days ago, I took my little Emmie to the Mount Pleasant Animal Clinic to get spayed. She had to go without food and water the night before but the silly gal was so happy and bouncy in the morning. She had to get her blood test done and the doctor assured me that it’s a wise choice cause it’ll reduce her risk of breast cancer.

Around 4pm I went back to pick Emmie up. My heart broke when I saw how weak she was. She was really happy to see me cause her tail was wagging but she couldn’t move much. Carrying her, I felt her weight slumped on my hand and I was so afraid I’ll hurt her.

When we got back, Emmie lay down on the towel. Standing up and moving is difficult for her because of the stitches but she was trying to be as active as she could be. The little trooper didn’t even yelp even when there are times I saw her wince in pain due to accidental movements that jolted her raw wound. She ate only a little that day and went back to bed.

She has to stay at my a friend’s place till her wounds recover so that my big boy louis won’t play with her and accidentally rip out her stitches. Now she’s back walking and pouncing again. I can’t wait to see my little baby soon. I’m so proud of her! (even though I know that all other dogs probably are just as tough!)

Here are some pictures of the happy times before Emmie got spayed…


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