My Precious Chest

It’s already the 4th day of the lunar new year and I’m still very much into the festive mood! I’ve been eating all the yummiest food and snacks every single day and am totally loving it! There’s lots of photos to share regarding my Chinese New celebrations but first I want to share these photos of the outfit I wore on the 3rd day of the Chinese New Year. My Precious Chest selected this beautiful flora symphony necklace for me and I simply love it! The pretty white flowers brightens any outfit and adds that touch of design and sparkle to enhance the outfit.

You can adjust the length of the necklace and for this toga dress, I hooked the necklace so that it is more of a chocker design. My Precious Chest has a wide range of accessories and they are all very pretty and affordable! Here are 2 more recent accessories I fancy! In fact, the pearl ribbon earrings are already in the mail and should reach me some time this week!

So if you are on the look out for some lovely accessories that will enhance your outfits while being easy on your pocket then check out My Precious Chest at soon!

PS – If you are wondering where I got my sweet pink toga dress from, it’s a gift from my lovely friend Wendy!!! She always has the prettiest dresses for me. The dress is her own design and is available at



  1. February 8, 2011 / 7:17 pm

    You look so so gorgeous in the dress with the accessories and the chignon. Très chic!

    • February 11, 2011 / 2:43 am


      Thank You! I think the dress and the accessories were both really complimentary.

  2. February 8, 2011 / 7:17 pm

    You look so so gorgeous in the dress with the accessories and the chignon. Très chic!

    • February 11, 2011 / 2:43 am


      Thank You! I think the dress and the accessories were both really complimentary.

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