My dogs love water!

Brought the dogs for a mini picnic at Changi Beach. I didn’t want them to get wet that day cause they had just bathed and I wasn’t prepared with towels and such to dry them off. But I should have known better! While I was having a picture taken… Louis saw the sea and couldn’t resist! He just dashed straight for the water with Emmie right behind his tail!

I was upset with him for all but 2 seconds. I mean looking at their overjoyed expression and non-stop waggly tail.. I really could help but laugh!

Well, since they both got wet and dirty already… there was no turning back. I decided to make the best of it and let them have as much fun as they wanted. Which was basically swimming and rolling the sand. I had Louis buried up to his neck and the silly boy helped me dig the hole!!! Lol… I bet he didn’t know it was for him!

Here’s a video which I combined this beach outing and a previous one. It’s really short =)



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