Musée du Louvre

The Louvre is one of the world’s largest museum and it’s so famous that I think it requires no introduction. It’s much bigger than it looks and it would take days to see the thousands of art works it holds.

A tip if you just want to go in for a look see and don’t mind crazy hoards of tourists is to go on the first Sunday of the month because entrance is free!

I saw the most magnificent rainbow once again! And this time it was directly above the Louvre. I must have an affinity for rainbows!

Life’s good 😉 And I miss Paris already! However, it inspired me to send in the photo below as one of my 3rd week LG photo dairy entries. If you haven’t yet voted for me or would like to vote again (you can vote everyday!) you can view it here. Every vote counts to the weekly draw for you to get yourself a free LG smart-phone!


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