Morning Wedding Preparations

The bridesmaids got into their white dresses and were all ready to start the preparations for the “fetching the bride” ceremony! A team effort so the groom and his men better be prepared!

Meanwhile our lovely bride, Koji was getting prettied up in the hands of the makeup artist. She was glowing as a bride should! No wonder they say that a girl is prettiest on her wedding day! Nothing beats overwhelming joy.

The girls all whipped up their cameras to snap pictures of the beautiful bride! It’s after all the digital age 🙂

Adding the final touches to Koji’s outfit and setting up the laptop so she could view the entire gate crashing event from the safety of her room.

And out comes our arsenal! We prepared a board of numbers (much like a game show) and the different penalties. And a favorite of most Chinese wedding gate crashing games is the “Suan, Tian, Ku, La” (Sour, Sweet, Bitter and Spicy), symbolizes the different sorts of emotions a couple will go through together in their journey.

Here were what there were in the cups that Clara seems so extremely gleeful about.

Sour – Lemon + Sour Assam

Sweet – Condense milk + Malt Candy

Bitter – Raw Bitter gourd + Coffee Powder

Spicy –  Chilli padi + Wasabi

Since we had already sought the blessing from the bride who told us that Andrew and his groomsmen were up for anything we had up our sleeves, those cups weren’t all we had prepared! I’ll blog more about the gate crashing in my next post! Here’s a picture of the 4 bridesmaids and a sneak peek of what else we had planned!


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