Mid-Year Resolutions 2009

If you’ve been a long time follower of my blog or a friend, you’ll know that I always do mid-year resolutions. 6 months resolutions keep me in check much better then the usual year long ones since I tend to start losing my conviction and resolutions from New Year Resolutions at about the 6 months mark.

I would have done this in June but was too busy… I guess early July isn’t too late to plan for my 2nd half of the year!

So here it is.

1. Spend more time with my grandparents. I visit them every now and then but I really should see them more often cause I know they’ll miss me growing up so fast.

2. Do a spring cleaning of my place. If there’s one thing I hate and I’m really bad at… it’s housework! And with so much clothes overflowing my wardrobe I need to do another spring clean soon!

3. Try to make the Nepal trip a reality. I was suppose to run an English programme in Nepal this year but due to some technical issues it didn’t work out. I don’t think it can be completed this year at all but I need to start planning for so hopefully it’ll manifest in my next year agenda.

4. Take care of my physical health. Which means more exercise, healthy foods and sleeping better! While I might not be fat, I’m definitely not healthy enough. And if I don’t develop the habits of keeping healthy now, I’m afraid of the repercussions when I get old. Sleeping more tops the priority in this one!

5. Stop impulse buying! It’ll do me a lot of good to save more and not accumulate so much things that I hardly use!

Just 5 resolutions to guide me through the rest of 2009.


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