
Anti-aging is the name of my beauty game right now. I feel extremely lucky that there are so many choices and options these days that help women to slow down their aging process and to keep our skin as youthful and radiant as possible. However, it wasn’t until early this year that I heard of Meditrina which targets hormonal ageing woes.

Meditrina Ageless Herbal Cream is a massage cream that works to provide effective age defense from within. Hormonal ageing starts after the age of 25. I’m sure many women like myself have experienced drier skin, more frequent body aches or simply finding ourselves gaining weight (usually at unsightly areas) much easier than before. The slowing of metabolism and collagen production is expected as we age but Meditrina uses 100% botanical ingredients such as Chasteberry, Wild Yam and Fenugreek to slow down the hormonal ageing process. While I’m lucky enough not to suffer from severe PMS cramps, my constant travelling have left me with a bout of stiff neck and I hope using this with its transdermal technology, would help give me some relief sooner. Now, I just need to be more conscientious about applying it.

Thanks for reading.


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