Less than a month old

These photos were taken when baby Arielle was less then a month old. Went to visit my dearest bestie Bernice and spend some time with her. Being a mother (especially for the 1st time) is so challenging!

I bought this outfit for her simply cause it was cute!


I spent the whole afternoon there with Bernice, Kelvin and Arielle and time sure passed really quickly. Between putting Arielle to sleep, changing diapers, feeding and burping… time simply flies! Now I know why all mothers seem so busy! But Arielle is also such an angel and she’s gonna grow up pretty and lovely. One thing’s for sure, this is one extremely lucky baby to have parents like Bernice and Kelvin.

I still have Bernice’s and Arielle’s Christmas prezzies with me! I haven’t had time to meet them during the hectic holiday season. But I’m sure I’ll see them soon enough!

My outfit for that day.



  1. January 12, 2010 / 4:01 pm

    i usu see pictures of you from the left angle so it’s refreshing to see one photo here taken from the right!

    • January 13, 2010 / 10:39 pm


      I never noticed that I took more photos from a left angel… lol… I guess it’s probably one of those things I do unconsciously.

  2. January 12, 2010 / 4:01 pm

    i usu see pictures of you from the left angle so it’s refreshing to see one photo here taken from the right!

    • January 13, 2010 / 10:39 pm


      I never noticed that I took more photos from a left angel… lol… I guess it’s probably one of those things I do unconsciously.

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