Jeffery & Meisan's Day

Another one of my classmates is married! I’ve know Meisan since JC days and I’m happy for the both of them. It was also nice meeting some of my other classmates and dinner.

I missed their ROM early last year as I was in Hong Kong with my family so I was really glad I was around to attend their wedding dinner at Hyatt. The red and black decor was really bold and suits the wedding couple’s ceremony.

Even though I was sitting near the aisle, I couldn’t get a good shot of Meisan and Jeffery!!! She walks super fast! She’s normally really fast paced but as a bride with her heavy wedding gown she still waltzed by at lightning speed! Lol… she’s gotta be the fastest walking bride I know.

Food was good! And with any good wedding dinner, there were lots of seafood which meant I couldn’t eat a number of dishes. I jokingly said I should opt for a vegetarian meal at my next wedding dinner and Gen (the next bride-to-be) said she’ll put me on vegetarian at her wedding!

You can’t see much from this photo cause as usual, Meisan was walking really fast! But I love love love her pink evening gown. She had 2 evening gowns, a pink one and a grey one. And though both are beautiful, my vote goes to the hot pink number.

I look a little stunned in this pic cause the camera was really near! Lol… but Xinyi looks as sweet as ever. We’re supposed to organised a cooking session at her place but I never got round to it… paiseh! My 2010 schedule doesn’t look friendly either but I will try to organize a date with her when I’m around again.

And here’s the gang. I can’t believe more then 10 years has passed since I was sitting in JC with them. And we are really look more or less the same. A little more mature, better dressed but essentially our personalities are the same. Hopefully we all would keep the communication going as we have done in this 10 over years.

The most unique dish of the night is the dessert, Green Tea pudding with Longan. Looks a little odd but it’s actually quite nice. The taste is very refreshing.

I wore a black silk and chiffon BCBG dress to the wedding.



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