Jan 2007

Picture gallery for Jan 2007 is up in the What is Renzze wearing today.

Favorite picks for Jan 2007:

The thick long cardi was just great for a night out at Eski Bar.

Love this DVF dress, I really should dig it out to wear again.

One of my favorite pairs of boots! I simply adore the details!

Simple chiffon dress from Korea. I like the design so much I got this dress in both green and black.

This form fitting ASOS dress brings out whatever womanly curves I have hidden! Great structure.

I can’t help gushing at the color of the fabric… it’s so pretty and has subtle changes with light.

I miss my waist long hair that looks fab when curled. I would have kept that length if not because of the humid weather. It also takes way too long to dry. I matched a cheap Supre cotton tux top with my Perfect In Black black chiffon skirt. Helps that Louis looks so handsome too.

Was really into vests and waistcoats then.

Neutral colors. The hat and shorts went together so nicely!

I remember I had threw on this outfit in 60 secs cause I was late in meeting my pals at Bark Cafe. With a nice top… there isn’t much you need to do to complete a look.

The lacy hemline was the key for this dress. Maybe I should have accessorized more. This dress is definitely worth a 2nd visit.

Had no idea how a dog handler was suppose to dress like but Louis made me proud by coming in 1st anyways.


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