High Tea

I missed out on several of meet-ups that Wendy had organised as I was always away on the dates that she ask me out. So to make up for it, we arranged a day right after I got back to meet up for some high tea.

Although it was supposed to be a meet-up with just Wendy, it so happened that some of my other friends were in town and wanted to meet-up too. When I asked if they could join us, sweet Wendy graciously said yes. So Melva, Sushi and Daryl met us for high tea too.

Melva and I were both wearing purple that day!

PS – To Wendy, hey I haven’t seen you since then! We should meet up soon!



  1. December 20, 2009 / 10:00 pm

    the bread car! i love it!
    and that was the first thing i thought when i saw the 2nd picture, that you matched your friend 😀 your hair looks super gorgeous in the last pic!

    • December 21, 2009 / 3:04 am


      The bread car was really innovative.. last year they did a chocolate one I think.

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