Halloween 2008

Halloween was really fun this year with the girls! We decided to be Geishas for the event. All the preparation work was done at Clara’s place… the picture on top shows the before and the pictures below shows the after. I promise you there are tons of pictures from that night!

Clara did our hair and makeup… she’s really good and very fast too! Love that girl! And Clara, if you’re reading this… I miss you!!! I’ve met all the girls since I got back except for you!

And our adorable Fred Flintstone! Lol… Koji did the makeup for Jester. He really looks like he just got into a fight with another caveman.

And then it was off in a mad rush to Harbourfront to catch our cruise ship!

We had 3 geishas, 1 oriental lady and an angel! It’s quite a unique mix… considering most people that night came as vampires and witches or scary ghosts.

For the first hour or so we basically had buffet dinner and were busy camwhoring! Lol… I found the food to be so-so only but I did think the spiderweb dessert cakes to be quite nice =) Maybe I didn’t enjoy the food as much cause I’m allergic to seafood so I didn’t try the prawns and stuff.

At first it was all the individual groups were taking pictures among themselves… but soon people started coming up to us to take pictures with them. I don’t have most of those pictures though.

After dinner, thats when the fun and games begin! The cruise ship had prepared a series of group games which every one pretty much gamely participated! It really was lots of fun!

My favorite one is definitely the dress up segment. See the nice lad above! We’re so gonna turn him into a nice lass! He really was very sporting and even did a sexy dance for the audience to win! The other team’s guy was also very sporting.

Other games had Jester and Mary to represent. And I participated in the best dress finals in which I had to dance as well…. lol… all in the name of fun!

Some disco dancing and I went up to to top deck to take some pictures and have wind blown in my face. It seems that all the people that do dress up never came up… and the people that didn’t dress up hung around upstairs and didn’t go down to join the fun.

After the cruise trip we headed down to zouk. That’s when all the blood appeared… we decided to look like brutally raped and murdered geishas…. The crowd there was really well dressed… we even saw these guys carrying an ERP sign as part of the costume.

So do I look scary enough it I appeared at your doorstep in the middle of the night?

I reached home 6am that morning… driving in heavy rains after having “breakfast” with Yan and Melvin…. totally exhausted.



  1. November 30, 2008 / 12:59 pm

    Glad u had fun that day!
    Wish to go too, look very fun from the photo’s!
    Must go with friend’s than more fun yup? =)

    Next year see if still got this Event! haha…!

    By the way u look good in the photo’s!

  2. November 30, 2008 / 12:59 pm

    Glad u had fun that day!
    Wish to go too, look very fun from the photo’s!
    Must go with friend’s than more fun yup? =)

    Next year see if still got this Event! haha…!

    By the way u look good in the photo’s!

  3. November 30, 2008 / 9:04 pm

    There’s always new things every year… we’ll plan again next year k?

  4. November 30, 2008 / 9:04 pm

    There’s always new things every year… we’ll plan again next year k?

  5. deedee
    December 1, 2008 / 5:41 pm

    woah all that seems like super fun!!! i’m sure you gals had lots of fun 😀

  6. deedee
    December 1, 2008 / 5:41 pm

    woah all that seems like super fun!!! i’m sure you gals had lots of fun 😀

  7. December 1, 2008 / 11:57 pm


    Ya it was fun! It’s always fun hanging out with girlfriends.

  8. December 1, 2008 / 11:57 pm


    Ya it was fun! It’s always fun hanging out with girlfriends.

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