Avenue Q

One of the cutest musical puppet shows ever – Avenue Q! I love Trekie Monster and Christmas Eve… they are absolutly hilarious! The tunes are really catchy and this is definitely a puppet show for adults only with racist jokes, songs like ” Internet Is For Porn” ( grab your dick and double click) and learning all about schenfreude. They even had a puppet having sex segment and the song ” You can be as loud as the hell you want (when making love)” to sing along. If you love wit and irony then you’ll love Avenue Q… though I have to admit it’s not as fabulous as the standard broadway musical… it’s kinda my first adult puppet show.

Before heading to Ave Q however, I met up with Clara and Koji for some costume hunting. We already had ours so we were there to pick up stuff for our friends.

Koji and I couldn’t resist trying out some of those cute hats!



  1. huihui
    November 29, 2008 / 9:54 am

    where is the costume shop ?

  2. huihui
    November 29, 2008 / 9:54 am

    where is the costume shop ?

  3. November 29, 2008 / 6:35 pm


    Its at NO. 1 COSTUME COSTUME PTE LTD at 32 Aliwal Street.

  4. November 29, 2008 / 6:35 pm


    Its at NO. 1 COSTUME COSTUME PTE LTD at 32 Aliwal Street.

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