Give A Gift Charity Auction

Recently Miss Glitzy approached me to ask if I would be interested in participating in her “Lets care and Celebrate” campaign and I was more then delighted to be able to make a contribution. You may want to read more about it here.

The idea was simple, a group of bloggers will each contribute some items for the public to bid for and all and yes! I mean all 100% of the proceeds will go to charity. The Charity that will benefit from this auction is the Singapore Council of  Women’s Organisations (SCWO) Star Shelter program. Taken from their site…

” Star Shelter opens its doors to women and their children who have been abused. It is a charity registered with the Registrar of Charities and is the only secular crisis centre in Singapore. Since it’s opening, Star Shelter has housed over 800 women and their children. Women admitted to the shelter were aged between 18 – 75 and children ranged from newborn – 11 years old for boys and no age limit for girls.

Residences at the shelter were a good mix of all races including foreign wives with Singaporean children and most of them were from the lower income group – unable to find shelter when they leave their abusive relationship. All the residences at the shelter are referred by the Family Court, The Family Service Centres, the Police, Hospitals or other Agencies who run crisis helplines, e.g. the Samaritans of Singapore, AWARE and PAVE.”

If you want to know more about them, you may find out here.

Here are some items that are out for bidding contributed  by the following bloggers.

DottieStephie (Fashion Nation)

X-Wen (Fash-Eccentric)

Alvin (Bagaholicboy)

Nicole (Cherry Magazine)

Karen Ashley (

Miss Glitzy & friends (Glitzy)

I decided to donate 2 sets of items for the Charity Auction (A1 & A2). Both items chosen with care and with much personal meaning because I didn’t just want others to bid on something I personally did not wish to keep but on items that have a lot of emotional value to me.

The first item I have up is a genuine Marc by Marc Jacob hat and flip-flops in A1.

The reversible hat has the cutest Miss Marc print on it. And as most of my close friends know, I love collecting Miss Marc merchandise. And this is my absolute favorite beach hat. Many times have readers emailed me asking me if I would sell my Miss Marc items (especially this beach series) and I have fervently said no and explained that I had no intentions of letting them go at all. Even my own blood little sister who has been eying on them ever since the day I got them never had the luxury of borrowing them. And the white Marc by Marc Jacobs slippers are absolutely brand new. I’ve never worn them before as I was afraid of staining the white flip-flops and ruining my pretty collection.

But when Miss Glitzy approached me to be a party of this charity fund raising, I did some research on Star Shelter and I knew immediately that they needed support and financial aid more then I can imagine. If I chose to give something that I would just easily sell away then the bidders might not be willing to donate as much. So here’s my contribution to them… a gift of love and for the first time I’m putting part of my Miss Marc collection for bidding. And the starting bid will be only a tiny fraction of the real cost. Hopefully my readers can spread the world and these items would land up as a token of thank you to the generous bidder that is willing to donate a good sum to the Women’s Star Shelter.

The 2nd item I have contributed for donation is this lovely puff skirt I wore in Disneysea (A2). While it’s value may not be as much as the MBMJ items in A1, it has a lot of emotional value to me. I had one of the best times of my life with my girlies in Disneysea last year. Given today’s hectic lifestyle, how often do you get a group of you close girl pals to make the time to go on a trip together (one of the girls is now a new mother!). The skirt is a constant reminder the  happy times we’ve spent together and of how blessed I am. A reminder I hope would help bring hope and happiness to the women in need at Star Shelter with the contributions from this auction.

Although I wore the skirt as an outer piece for my Japan trip, this skirt has also doubled up as a layering device under some other skirts and dresses that needed some layering to puff it up and give it some volume. I absolutely love how practical and also frivolous this skirt can be when paired up differently. After letting this piece go I’ll be on the look out again for another similar skirt which I can use for layering and even though the new skirt would not hold such fond memories for me, I will be happy to know that it had gone to a good cause.

So please visit the auction and bid for your favorite items! Take home one of the gorgeous items up for bid and also do a part for charity. How rewarding!

You can visit the auction by clicking the image below !

or you can also click on the Give a Gift Charity Auction link I have on my side bar (the links will only work when the charity auction opens on 22nd March 2010 – Monday at 12pm sharp).

The 1st auction will run from 22nd March 2010 at 12pm!

So be sure to put in your bid. You can read more about it here too!

Please don’t forget to spread the word around. The more the merrier!



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