Girls Girls Girls

Ok I admit… I prefer female friends to male ones.

It’s not that I haven’t met really caring and fun guy pals… but somehow it’s different. I can never bring myself to pour out what I truly think and feel to a guy. And whenever a guy friend starts getting too nice you’ll always have to worry if the relationship dynamics have changed.

But with girls… you never even have to consider the motives… if they are nice they are just being nice cause they love you. Oh of course we do have our gossipy bitchy sessions once in awhile… we’re not all angels… but we tell each other the honest brutal truth only because that’s what friends do. And we bother cause we care and want the best for each other. Hearing a good girl pal tell you that you look fat in a dress is a different feeling from hearing that from a guy.

To my dearest guy pals, don’t get offended, it’s not about you its pure sexism on my part. I love to have a guy input once in awhile but guys can never understand the workings of a girl well enough… if he does, he’s either gay or a player.

Here are just some of my girl friends… there are others that I’ve not put up in this post simply cause I didn’t go out with them on these 2 days.

I met Yan, Melvin and Melvin’s sister for a Mahjong session before having Japanese Buffet at Link Hotel. The buffet is really good and I seriously consider going back there again even though it’s in the west.

Later that night, Sushi, Koji, Clara and I went to support Ah Wee’s club. I barely stayed for awhile before absconding with Clara to watch a late night movie. We came back after the show to find Sushi and Koji having their steamboat buffet!

We always tend to meet nearly midnight or later. I guess it’s cause I’m usually pretty busy and can’t meet them up earlier. On one of our late night meet ups, I picked Sushi up to meet Clara and Koji at Mustafa at 2am in the morning! It’s crazy! It was a last minute thing cause Clara need to pick up some beauty buys.

We got all excited in Mustafa over these old school candies! The Hearts Lychee Candy that Sushi bought was really yummy!

Koji and Clara got so carried away with the Mustafa products that they started playing ” Auntie” …. lol…

The Hello Kitty and My Melody school bags are so cute it made us wanna be primary school children again! I had a plain blue school bag when I was Primary One… I would have loved these.

These pictures of us are really not glam! lol… It really shows the Auntie in us!

We all bought tons of stuff that night. The result of my monkeying around and auntie-like shopping? A very pretty tea set and a peek at growing into an old auntie with these girls. It was a whole lot of fun even though we got home at 4 or 5am that morning. I guess we still have a few more years of youth ahead of us since real Aunties don’t shop all night and go to bed when the sun is about to rise.

See why I love girls? You can’t do these with guys!

PS – I added another Hong Kong Video in my “All About Hong Kong” post. It’s about Disneyland Hong Kong and the typhoon… I forgot to add it in previously.



  1. March 18, 2009 / 2:13 pm

    Hi Karen,

    The Japanese Buffet that you went to @ Link Hotel, is it called Akira?? I always see the commercial recently. Didn’t see much good reviews on this restaurant.

    But you mention it’s good, maybe i should give it a try soon. Sashimi fresh?

  2. March 18, 2009 / 2:13 pm

    Hi Karen,

    The Japanese Buffet that you went to @ Link Hotel, is it called Akira?? I always see the commercial recently. Didn’t see much good reviews on this restaurant.

    But you mention it’s good, maybe i should give it a try soon. Sashimi fresh?

  3. March 18, 2009 / 5:10 pm

    Haha… I beg to differ!!!

    Girls can also be lesbians or bi what… you never know for sure…

    And also besides gays and players, there’s another category called “new age sensitive guys” no?

    Oh well, I guess guy friends are good for some cases and gal friends for others… Just be grateful you have wonderful friends around =D

  4. March 18, 2009 / 5:10 pm

    Haha… I beg to differ!!!

    Girls can also be lesbians or bi what… you never know for sure…

    And also besides gays and players, there’s another category called “new age sensitive guys” no?

    Oh well, I guess guy friends are good for some cases and gal friends for others… Just be grateful you have wonderful friends around =D

  5. March 18, 2009 / 5:10 pm

    Ahhhhhhh… why my avatar = spider?

  6. March 18, 2009 / 5:10 pm

    Ahhhhhhh… why my avatar = spider?

  7. March 18, 2009 / 6:23 pm


    Lol… I can’t remember the name but I supposed there’s only one jap restaurant there that has dinner buffet. The food is not fantastic as compared to really good jap restaurants but it’s good value for money. The teapot soup is cute! The sashimi was pretty fresh the day we went… it was a weekend so it was quite crowded.


    Lol, Don’t worry… you’re an old friend that I don’t consider a player or gay. But still I can’t see myself trawling though mustafa in the middle of the night with you. hehe.

    There are always 2 sides to a story in any case… I guess I just have a closer bond with the girls around me.

    And your avatar… it’s random… lol… but I changed one for you!

  8. March 18, 2009 / 6:23 pm


    Lol… I can’t remember the name but I supposed there’s only one jap restaurant there that has dinner buffet. The food is not fantastic as compared to really good jap restaurants but it’s good value for money. The teapot soup is cute! The sashimi was pretty fresh the day we went… it was a weekend so it was quite crowded.


    Lol, Don’t worry… you’re an old friend that I don’t consider a player or gay. But still I can’t see myself trawling though mustafa in the middle of the night with you. hehe.

    There are always 2 sides to a story in any case… I guess I just have a closer bond with the girls around me.

    And your avatar… it’s random… lol… but I changed one for you!

  9. Yan
    March 19, 2009 / 10:21 am

    seriously… i can swing both ways… so….


  10. Yan
    March 19, 2009 / 10:21 am

    seriously… i can swing both ways… so….


  11. Yan
    March 19, 2009 / 10:22 am

    And… ya… i think i wanna change my avatar …

  12. Yan
    March 19, 2009 / 10:22 am

    And… ya… i think i wanna change my avatar …

  13. March 20, 2009 / 5:07 pm


    opps! I better be wary of you then! hehe.

  14. March 20, 2009 / 5:07 pm


    opps! I better be wary of you then! hehe.

  15. Janice_Shermaine
    March 22, 2009 / 12:44 pm

    OMG, U Girls look super cute & funny as in so cool & like so much fun!
    Lucky u to have good fun & out going girl friends!

    Girls friends Rox always! =)

    Nice cute photos of u girls!

  16. Janice_Shermaine
    March 22, 2009 / 12:44 pm

    OMG, U Girls look super cute & funny as in so cool & like so much fun!
    Lucky u to have good fun & out going girl friends!

    Girls friends Rox always! =)

    Nice cute photos of u girls!

  17. March 22, 2009 / 4:37 pm


    Thanks girl.

  18. March 22, 2009 / 4:37 pm


    Thanks girl.

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