Flower Power!

This is just another outfit post. But I’m really happy I got my SD card back reformatted and all the pictures and videos I took in Japan nicely safe and saved in my thumbdrive! Woo-Hoo!!! While the pictures and videos still need a little time for me to work on them (water-marking them and such)… I’m just really relieved that they could be retrieved! Girls, if you want my Japan photos and videos (raw version) then pass me your little usb drives and I’ll copy them for you.

High metabolism may sound like a blessing to most people but I sit on the other side of the fence and from my point of view it’s not that rosy. 2 years ago, I was pretty skinny, in fact, too small for comfort. While I was never severely underweight, I’ve always been slightly off the ideal BMI. Being so small meant that I always had to alter my clothing to fit me ( that can be really expensive!), having to worry about my bone density and worrying that skinny people also have a higher tendency to get miscarriages. Yet, I can’t possibly complain about being thin when people around me worry about what they put in their mouths… so I usually have to keep my mouth shut for fear of being murdered alive!

I’ve been snacking a lot and having multiple meals to put on more weight since last year. And I’ve gained quite a bit (I guess aging also helped slow my metabolism down)… Unfortunately, as the law of the universe goes, nothing can possibly be perfect! I have reached a nice weight now but all the extra weight I gained seems to have focus themselves on my middle area and a little on my thighs. =( If only the fats could be distributed evenly on my arms and legs! Friends told me that I need to do weights to bulk up my arms… sighs… that only means more work for a lazy girl like me. I really just wanna cut and paste my fats around!!! So be healthy but have unsightly fats or look good and be underweight… sigh!

My choice at the moment?

Be healthy and stay away from bikinis and bondage dresses till I’ve found a motivation to do exercise.



  1. grace
    June 3, 2009 / 8:37 am

    what a cute skirt! where is it from?

  2. grace
    June 3, 2009 / 8:37 am

    what a cute skirt! where is it from?

  3. June 4, 2009 / 12:05 am

    The skirt was bought at FEP.

  4. June 4, 2009 / 12:05 am

    The skirt was bought at FEP.

  5. grace
    June 5, 2009 / 9:58 am

    what is FEP? =)

  6. grace
    June 5, 2009 / 9:58 am

    what is FEP? =)

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