Flashback of March 2013 {In Instagram}

I’m always finding myself heading back to PS cafe for my all time favorite truffle shoestring fries and sticky date pudding with ice-cream.

With my sister in the pic. Brought a Andrew, Grace, Steven, and my whole family to Tori King for their yummilious ramen.

In March, my appointment kept ending up in the Tiong Bahru area so I popped by 40 hands for my hot chocolate and tau sar bao (red bean bun) almost every single day for an entire week!

Met up with Jessie at Sampo Korean Charcoal BBQ restaurant for a catchup session and it was so good!

Spent the weekend with my dearest friend, Sushi (who is heavily pregnant with her 2nd child) and her family at Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Brought my godson, Leo, to go swimming at the infinity rooftop pool which he loves!

I’m a total glutton! This was a sweet lunch date at Tonkichi!

Had Thai dinner at Joe’s Kitchen with Regina and JW for a food tasting session.

I woke up to one of the most awesome good hair days. And it really made me happy. The best things in life are free.

This photo was taken after trying out Laniege newest Snow BB cream that comes in a puff for a natural make up look.

My sis baked me these yummy egg tarts which I wolfed down in about all of 3 seconds.

Sushi introduced to me this new fruit called a Kiwiberry and it’s really nice. It’s really small and tastes like the sweetest kiwi ever.

Every weekend I’ll dedicate one day to family day. Brought my parents for peranakan lunch at Guan Hoe Soon Restaurant.

Had Chicken Laksa stonebowl rice as supper with my bff, Sushi. Totally wicked and sinful.

I’m a terrible shopaholic that is currently on a shopping ban so I dug around and found that I had this pair of Tory Burch that I bought and only wore them once before hoarding them to some obscure corner of my home. =X

Wore those newly discovered flats on a lazy day out to run errands and meet up Regina a manicure followed by Melva for a movie date.

This selfie was taken at the nail salon while waiting for Regina to finish her nails.

Adding Kinerase gentle foaming Cleanser and hydrating anitoxident mist to my skincare routine.

In March, I got my hands on the Hitachi Hada Crie Cool which is Japan’s No. 1 Beauty Gadget. I chronicled my user experience on their blog so go read about it!

My good morning post. I was lazing in bed even though I really shouldn’t since I had tons on my checklist that day.

I cut my fringe short, chopped of 2 inches of my hair and dyed purple streaks.

Made this mentaiko baked pasta at Watsons DHC event. It’s been infused with tons of DHC powder collagen which is great for your skin. Grab that collegen powder from any Watsons store.

Another awesome creation at the Watsons DHC event. My packed with goodness, japanese dessert has DHC collegen drink in it as well!

My outfit shot that I took while waiting around to start my turn to be filmed for the Singapore 女人我最大 Nu Ren Wo Zhui Da. Yes, I’ll be featured in one of the upcoming episodes. I’m not telling you what’s its about so keep a look out for me 🙂

This outfit is my own, I was waiting around for the wardrobe stylist to bring the prepared outfit that I’ll be wearing for the show.

A repost from Hareway DIY Home IPL. If you don’t know what this is, you can read my review!

18th March was McDonalds National Breakfast Day and they sent me this cute happy egg to remind me.

I always have my Watsons Member Card with me cause I pop by their stores so often!

Spent my free time gaming . Was so excited about RPG game Ni No Kuni that I was awake in the wee hours of the night on my PS3. I’m really quite a closet geek.

I only have double eyelids when I put on falsies but I was having my lazy days (probably from all the late night gaming) so here’s a pic of my falsie-free and mascara-free monolids with no filters at all.

I love surprise gifts especially when they are given for no reason at all! Such as this Moomin bag from Japan 🙂 I’m one lucky girl.

My no makeup face at the Singapore Changi Airport. Was prepared to slab on a hydrating mask and sleep on the plane.

In China. I brought along this cute Hello Kitty travel-friendly dental kit from Watsons for my trip.

Seriously, only in China is this normal. This women was cycling on the roads with a ton of boxes filled with water and live fish to the market. It’s incredible and very dangerous.

I’m on a China version of a tuk tuk and the driver is simply driving happily against traffic. It happens when I’m in taxis as well. Apparently driving in the totally opposite direction in China is not only acceptable, it’s a norm.

Home Sweet Home in Singapore. I was so happy to be able to snuggle back on my waterbed. I always miss sleeping in my own bed.

Went out and about early the very next day after arriving in Singapore. There’s never  a dull moment once I’m back.

I missed the cover shoot with the rest of the Watsons ambassador for Glow Magazine (which is out already btw!) but I popped by the studio for a quick 15 mins face shot for my article inside the magazine. Get your copy from any Watsons store!

Some of my favorite body products from Hareway!

Yummy neon color macarons at the Tatty Marsh party!

I love all the pretty Cath Kidson florals that I saw at Tatty Marsh Tanglin Mall.

It was love at first sight and I bought that floral bear 🙂 I’m a sucker for pretty and cute things.

I immediately brought my new floral teddy together with my trusty Muji travel pillow in my Hermes Valparaiso for my flight that very night.

Got in Japan just in time to see the Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) in full bloom. It was so crowded and an incredible celebration.

Springtime in Japan is still a little chilly but I had these cute puppy print angora socks to keep my toes toasty.

Love this Qoo jelly drink. I wish I can import the whole supermarket in Japan to Singapore. They have so many tasty snacks. I know we have Mediya but there are so much more (goodies) that Mediya doesn’t carry.

It was a super short Japan trip cause I had too much to do in Singapore and can’t afford to be away for much longer. Brought home tons of Japanese goodies to keep my tummy happy though. Such as this buttered flavor Jagabee.

Late and rushing to meet Sushi, Debbie, Diana and my godson for a tea session.

Sushi’s “tea at home” sessions are always super gourmet styled. Love love love!

Godson Leo calls me Mak Mak instead of Godma. Sushi says that it’s because he shortened it from Godma Karen. LOL.

My internal clock is so screwed up that I wake up at 3pm and can’t fall asleep till the sun rises. Miffy goes to bed with me.

Couldn’t stop munching on vegetable chips from Japan. They are sooooo good. I saw them at Savor Festival and they were selling for a ridiculous $21 a pack that had half this amount of chips! Gosh.

Been trying to go back to travel blogging the way I used to. Decided to start with Bali cause I get so many questions about my Bali trips even though I haven’t blogged about Bali in ages.

In sunny yellow on Easter, can’t stand the heat in Singapore.

Went swimming at Stamford Raffles and shopping at Gingersnaps with Sushi. My super cheap bling jelly flats that I bought in China is a superb match for my Furla Jelly tote. Talk about mixing high and lows.

Another “the best things in life are free” moment. I had been having super good skin days that doesn’t need any makeup or filter at all! I was super happy because I had mild breakout and oil bumps when I came back from China. I didn’t blog about it on my blog but I think Hitachi Hada Crie Cool gadget really helped clear my skin after China. You can read about it here to see the evidence.

I’m not sure if you remember that I did an Easter Giveaway on my instagram (@renzze) and facebook page. The winner has been contacted and she is Eileen Lim. Thanks for participating. I’m gonna be holding more giveaways soon for followers of my instagram, twitter and my Facebook page. All you have to do is follow/like me on those platforms.


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