Dear Renzze

Ever since I started this blog many many years ago, I’ve been having a sort of questions being us. Some of which are too personal but there are many who just need more information in regards to the topics I’ve raised up on my blog before. I also noticed a trend of similar questions being asked and instead of typing my answers over and over again, I thought it’ll be a good idea to share some of the questions I’ve been posed especially through emails over here.

I’ll be posting the question and my reply as a short post once every fortnight. Here’s the first one from a reader not too long ago.




I am wondering if you have problems with boots turning moldy if unused and kept for too long? I’ve used charcoal and some other moisture absorber but most of my boots can’t seem to last longer than 2 years. Recently I noticed the man-made leather on my Aldo boots flaking off and I was rather ‘devastated’ because that was the most expensive pair I’ve ever bought. I didn’t apply any protection coat though.

I don’t travel to cold countries as much as you do but I have a habit of collecting boots so that I can have them ready when I need to travel. Now it turns out that I can only buy when the need arises and I worry might not be able to find designs I like on last minute shopping.

Please let me know if you have any methods to save me from losing my beloved boots~~

Warmest Regards,


Hi Cheryann,

With Singapore’s humidity it’s not surprising that boots turns moldy. Man-made leather would also tend to flake off as it’s not exactly meant to last.

It would help by keeping your boots in a cool dry place away from sunlight. I put a couple of thirsty hippos to be changed monthly and an electrical humidifier in my wardrobe. If you intend to collect your boots and maintain them for several years then it’ll help to clean them with a damp cloth to remove all the dirt and grime then dry it with another dry cloth, adding a very light tinge of Vaseline to coat the boots before storage. Do not put them in plastic bags as these would trap moisture. And it’s also good to air out or put them outdoors away with mild but not direct sunlight every once in awhile to prevent mold from forming.




I’m definitely no expert but I do hope all my readers who have similar concerns would benefit from my personal experience 🙂

Now for my usual food and outfit updates!

Had delicious ayam penyet at East Wood! Which reminds me that I’ve yet to try out the Indonesian place at Lucky Plaza that Regina recommended!

Here’s my outfit.

I’m letting this printed dress (without belt) go at $16 with normal mail so leave a comment or email if interested. Also, I’m letting go of the white lace romper I posted previously at $16 with normal mail. I’ve include the photos of the romper below for convenience.

Please note that both dress and romper is already sold. Thanks for your interest.



    • April 23, 2010 / 1:53 pm


      You’ve mail!

    • April 23, 2010 / 1:53 pm


      You’ve mail!

  1. yun
    April 23, 2010 / 10:24 pm

    hi karen,

    pls let me know if the deal for the printed dress (without belt) go at $16 falls through. thanks!

    • April 24, 2010 / 12:28 am


      I’m sorry but both dresses have already been sold.

  2. yun
    April 23, 2010 / 10:24 pm

    hi karen,

    pls let me know if the deal for the printed dress (without belt) go at $16 falls through. thanks!

    • April 24, 2010 / 12:28 am


      I’m sorry but both dresses have already been sold.

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