Christmas Cupcakes Bake Fest

I know I’m way behind on my blogging but after the Taiwan earthquake hit internet cables it seems that accessing photobucket is super duper slow for me! I really hope it gets better soon.

As mentioned in one of my old posts… I organized a Christmas Cupcakes Bake Fest at my place! I’m guessing that they all had fun decorating their own cuppies! Even Louis joined in the excitement stalking the kitchen… hoping for accidental drops.

Many hands do make light work and we managed to do all 3 types of cupcakes – Black Forest, Oreo and Chocolate Fudge. In general… Black Forest was a hit with the older folks cause it’s not as sweet whereas the younger crowd swooned over the Oreo and chocolate ones.

These are the sum of our creations!

Thanks Yan and Mel for helping get the buttermilk from Cold Storage! Shannon didn’t decorate much but in his defense… he was the official photographer of the day! And Bernice… its a pity we couldn’t arrange it for a day you are free but whenever you and Kel are free just drop me a line and we’ll have another bake fest! Cuppies or cookies or cakes are all fine with me!

These are all the candid pics! Give it time to load!


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