Chicken rice balls and Gula Melaka Chendol

Hainanese chicken with chicken rice balls are my absolute favorite and a must-eat item whenever I visit Malacca. So we all had to go to Jonker Street to satisfy my craving. Jonker St is really hard to miss if you are in Malacca as it is in the heart of town. Despite it being a little too tourist driven, I still feel that there is much charm to the place with its old shop houses. Having great food in the area sure helps its reputation as well!

After having my craving satisfied, we needed to satisfy my mothers’ craving by bringing her to eat her favorite Jonkers Street Gula Melaka chendol and  Nonya Rojak. My mum kept telling me that she was absolutely full from the chicken rice ball lunch but the chendol was so good she finished 2 bowls and then finished my remaining half a bowl. Gosh! Now I know where I get my gluttony genes from.

And in case you were wondering, we also managed somehow to find room for the rojak! I think we must have evolved to be cows with 4 stomachs. But then again it was planned as a food trip so it has to live up to the expectations!



  1. January 11, 2012 / 9:23 am

    That looks delicious! I’ve never had a chicken rice ball, I wonder if there are any in SG 🙂

  2. January 11, 2012 / 9:23 am

    That looks delicious! I’ve never had a chicken rice ball, I wonder if there are any in SG 🙂

  3. January 11, 2012 / 12:34 pm

    Hi babe!

    I think they have a chicken rice ball store somewhere near braddell, pretty close to the back entrance of SPH. But it doesn’t compare well to the one at Malacca which was where the dish was created!

  4. January 11, 2012 / 12:34 pm

    Hi babe!

    I think they have a chicken rice ball store somewhere near braddell, pretty close to the back entrance of SPH. But it doesn’t compare well to the one at Malacca which was where the dish was created!

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