Chic Magazine

I was asked by Chic Magazine to be interviewed for my personal favorite websites and it was featured in last month’s issue. I had a little shock when I first spotted my article because the girl they featured at the top of the page wasn’t me!! Jamie from Chic Magazine later apologized for the error and told me that there was some sort of a mix up when they were laying out the photos for the page before printing. I guess these things happen.

Anyhow, other than that one picture, the rest of the content is fine 🙂 As you can see from the above those are my favorite websites! and for clothes. Photos are stored at while I surf and to scout for unique kitschy kitchen wares. And to pass my time, I’m always visiting and!

Now you all know where I’ve been lurking online 😛



  1. February 11, 2011 / 11:00 am

    What a bummer. The mistake Chic Magazine makes. Tsk tsk. It’s a biggie, if you ask me.
    But love your recommended sites. =)

    • February 12, 2011 / 3:50 am

      Ivy and Duriantino,

      My jaw dropped when I saw that pic! LOL. But I hope the content made up for the mistake!

  2. February 11, 2011 / 11:00 am

    What a bummer. The mistake Chic Magazine makes. Tsk tsk. It’s a biggie, if you ask me.
    But love your recommended sites. =)

    • February 12, 2011 / 3:50 am

      Ivy and Duriantino,

      My jaw dropped when I saw that pic! LOL. But I hope the content made up for the mistake!

  3. Duriantino
    February 11, 2011 / 3:20 pm

    And I thought that was one heck of an EXTREME makeover that they did using Photoshop to give us a photo-SHOCK! :p

  4. Duriantino
    February 11, 2011 / 3:20 pm

    And I thought that was one heck of an EXTREME makeover that they did using Photoshop to give us a photo-SHOCK! :p

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