My belated Birthday Party

First you saw my early b’day dinner and now you’ll get a glimpse at my belated party. I’m no young spring chicken anymore so I didn’t have a fancy huge party, just an intimate sit…
View PostLG week 5

I’m really excited about my entry for LG Life is Good, week 5 entries because I had so much fun organizing it! Thanks so much to Clara and Sebastien for being my incredible actors! We had so much fun…
View Post3 and a half girls

I love having Sunday brunches with my girlfriends and now we even have a little Arielle who joins our girly outings sometimes! I got her the pink dress she’s wearing on one of my travels…
View PostFrench Dinners

This is going to be my last entry for Paris for now. There’s a lot more to Paris but for now it’s time to move on. And because so many of you have asked me…
View PostShopping in Paris

I will be ending my Paris posts pretty soon and I’ll spend these last few posts touching on my favorite activities in the city of lights. Shopping, dining and people watching. I feel that I could just shop…
View PostVideo of Saint Chapelle and the Notre Dame treasury

The title says it all! (View it at
View PostWeek 4 – LG Life's Good

It’s the week 4 of the LG life’s good campaign and I did a lovely little advert with my Louis as the main star! Do view it here and vote for each of my photo…
View PostArc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Underneath its vault…
View PostEasy A

Courtesy of the fantastic people at Peppercorn especially the very talented Janet Chew, I attended the preview of the movie “Easy A”. I dragged my so-in-need-of-a-good-laugh girlfriend, Clara with me. And the verdict! It was good!…
View PostLG Life's Good Week 3

My week 3 entires are up!!! Do vote for my photos and videos! You get to vote every day and also stand a chance to win a LG handset every week! Here’s the link! LG…
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