Busy is not enough to describe

Busy is an indispensable and overused word in my dictionary. Yet I can’t find a more apt word to describe my current lifestyle.

I’ll be leaving for a trip or two pretty soon so there are many loose ends to tie up before I disappear to never never land till September.  Don’t worry  readers, I’ll still try my best to update my blog when I’m gone though probably not as often.

On top of impending work deadlines, I need to help a friend code an entire website for her new soon-to-be opened pub, go for my bridesmaid dress fitting, help another friend who’s moving her business, vet a good pal’s thesis, work on some video advertorials, go over my current projects with the new hire so that she can take my workload while I’m gone, scout for a suitable non-restrictive place for my dogs to stay during my time away (since no one can help to help look after them this time round), co-ordinate a photo and video shoots for some bands, organise my tour itinerary, get my car serviced and settle all bills and payments before I leave.

It doesn’t help that a couple of old friends have organised meet-ups that I would hate to miss! And I still haven’t figured out how to squeeze time to join my family for NDP. LOL… all these to do in one short week! I wouldn’t be surprise if I start sprouting white hairs very very soon.



  1. August 7, 2009 / 7:41 am

    oh dear, renzze, u really going to be busy! take care of your health ya, 不要忙坏了! You need to be in good health when going for the trip! 🙂
    where u going this round?

    • August 7, 2009 / 3:21 pm


      Thanks for your sweet concern. I hope to be able to really relax on my trip too so I need to work harder for now. I’ll be heading to UK for a really short work trip then to Bali, Indonesia for a week or so and probably another destination in Malaysia.

  2. August 7, 2009 / 7:41 am

    oh dear, renzze, u really going to be busy! take care of your health ya, 不要忙坏了! You need to be in good health when going for the trip! 🙂
    where u going this round?

    • August 7, 2009 / 3:21 pm


      Thanks for your sweet concern. I hope to be able to really relax on my trip too so I need to work harder for now. I’ll be heading to UK for a really short work trip then to Bali, Indonesia for a week or so and probably another destination in Malaysia.

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