About Sisters

Brought my dogs out for their run and this time my little sister came along. She really is a small girl to me… she exceptionally bubbly and child-like. To add to that fact, she’s a whole lot younger than me… a good 7 years in fact so she’ll always be my small little sister to me.

Louis and Emmie were having great fun as well… running all over the place!

My sister decided to run and do some jump shots for me.

And my 2 doggies ran with her! Lol.. too bad they have no idea how to do a jump shot on cue!

The thing about sisters is that although sometimesย I am totally irritated and mad with her but I know it won’t be for too long. No matter what she says or does, I will always wish for her blue skies and a youthful heart… a long and happy life… and that she would always have love.

I guess those with siblings would know what I’m talking about. I believe that having siblings teach you to share and to be tolerant. I believe that having siblings is allowing more love in your life. And I also believe that if you have to have siblings don’t be the oldest! The younger one always seem to have more perks!

Well here’s my outfit for that day… my sister liked it so much… it’s now hers.



  1. December 2, 2009 / 3:37 pm

    it’s a cute dress! the polka dotted part with those thin halter ribbon straps creates a resemblance of a baby bib, but it’s very charming. well, being renzze’s younger sister definitely has some perks.. ๐Ÿ˜€ i totally agree on the point of irritation at your siblings, which never do last for long. too bad i only have a brother, he can’t share any clothes or accessories or shoes with me.

    oh, i just realised i am the same age as your sister.

    • December 3, 2009 / 12:54 am


      Thanks… my sister says the dress is very Juicy Couture styled which is more suitable for the young like her… LOL. Well, there are pros and cons to having a brother instead of a sister… you won’t get too much ‘borrowing” from your wardrobe! =) And somehow I feel a younger sister is more worrying then a younger brother… boys then to take care of themselves better.

  2. December 2, 2009 / 3:37 pm

    it’s a cute dress! the polka dotted part with those thin halter ribbon straps creates a resemblance of a baby bib, but it’s very charming. well, being renzze’s younger sister definitely has some perks.. ๐Ÿ˜€ i totally agree on the point of irritation at your siblings, which never do last for long. too bad i only have a brother, he can’t share any clothes or accessories or shoes with me.

    oh, i just realised i am the same age as your sister.

    • December 3, 2009 / 12:54 am


      Thanks… my sister says the dress is very Juicy Couture styled which is more suitable for the young like her… LOL. Well, there are pros and cons to having a brother instead of a sister… you won’t get too much ‘borrowing” from your wardrobe! =) And somehow I feel a younger sister is more worrying then a younger brother… boys then to take care of themselves better.

  3. Janice Shermaine
    December 2, 2009 / 11:28 pm

    Karen jie’

    i want to say, reading this post i felt so touch n so love by u. i have always know how much u care n love me from the day i was born. yes i will always be your lil sister n u my only jie but what ever it is i want u to be happy n like how u always want the best for me. We shall always be sister’s n i love u alot. i want a good future n a future were we always know we will have each other to have lots more happy memory’s together.

    Thanks for everything, i am thankful for a sister like u!
    ~i love the dogs too, they make me feel love too when i am down!~
    With the love u have for me, there is no other sister in this world i would ask for. u are the best!

    ok, looking forward to seeing u soon, will always remember the joy we have together. i love u! *All The photo’s make me Smile*

    • December 3, 2009 / 1:00 am

      Janice, Work hard to achieve your goal… help yourself improve and everything else will follow. I will see you soon.

  4. Janice Shermaine
    December 2, 2009 / 11:28 pm

    Karen jie’

    i want to say, reading this post i felt so touch n so love by u. i have always know how much u care n love me from the day i was born. yes i will always be your lil sister n u my only jie but what ever it is i want u to be happy n like how u always want the best for me. We shall always be sister’s n i love u alot. i want a good future n a future were we always know we will have each other to have lots more happy memory’s together.

    Thanks for everything, i am thankful for a sister like u!
    ~i love the dogs too, they make me feel love too when i am down!~
    With the love u have for me, there is no other sister in this world i would ask for. u are the best!

    ok, looking forward to seeing u soon, will always remember the joy we have together. i love u! *All The photo’s make me Smile*

    • December 3, 2009 / 1:00 am

      Janice, Work hard to achieve your goal… help yourself improve and everything else will follow. I will see you soon.

  5. December 3, 2009 / 2:40 pm

    haha, the exterior can lie and you definitely don’t look old and unsuitable for this dress! of course with growing age people tend to expect you to dress a certain way to reflect your maturity. then again if you have the youthful looks to carry “younger” styles off, why not?

    that’s true! i don’t have a sister and i am already borrowing things from my mum’s wardrobe ๐Ÿ˜› mine is an older brother, so i am the youngest in the family.

    • December 4, 2009 / 3:23 am


      You lucky gal!


      LOL.. yes your brother is really nice… too nice to you in fact! Is he still serving his NS?

  6. December 3, 2009 / 2:40 pm

    haha, the exterior can lie and you definitely don’t look old and unsuitable for this dress! of course with growing age people tend to expect you to dress a certain way to reflect your maturity. then again if you have the youthful looks to carry “younger” styles off, why not?

    that’s true! i don’t have a sister and i am already borrowing things from my mum’s wardrobe ๐Ÿ˜› mine is an older brother, so i am the youngest in the family.

    • December 4, 2009 / 3:23 am


      You lucky gal!


      LOL.. yes your brother is really nice… too nice to you in fact! Is he still serving his NS?

  7. Yan
    December 3, 2009 / 2:49 pm

    I kinda enjoy being the older one; I get to command my younger brother around, yet enjoy the perks of leaving heavy-duty stuff for him to do (like carrying my shopping bags and luggages or moving furniture and changing light bulbs hahahaha!)

    Well, be it a brother who practices his taekwando moves on you, or a sister who raids your wardrobe, either one is a blessing worth waking up every morning to be thankful for >,<

  8. Yan
    December 3, 2009 / 2:49 pm

    I kinda enjoy being the older one; I get to command my younger brother around, yet enjoy the perks of leaving heavy-duty stuff for him to do (like carrying my shopping bags and luggages or moving furniture and changing light bulbs hahahaha!)

    Well, be it a brother who practices his taekwando moves on you, or a sister who raids your wardrobe, either one is a blessing worth waking up every morning to be thankful for >,<

  9. Yan
    December 4, 2009 / 10:42 am

    WHAT!!!… he’s OK to me lah… neva see the things I do for him only :p
    He’s out of army liao, but still continuing with part time studies. He’ll be finishing his last year in Perth mid next year. I hope I’ll be settled in OZ by then!

  10. Yan
    December 4, 2009 / 10:42 am

    WHAT!!!… he’s OK to me lah… neva see the things I do for him only :p
    He’s out of army liao, but still continuing with part time studies. He’ll be finishing his last year in Perth mid next year. I hope I’ll be settled in OZ by then!

  11. Yan
    December 4, 2009 / 10:43 am

    Anyway… you can never be ‘too nice’ to your sibling, can you ๐Ÿ™‚

    • December 4, 2009 / 3:15 pm


      Lol… when is he gonna bring home a gf for you to see… I keep forgetting he’s no longer a small boy!

  12. Yan
    December 4, 2009 / 10:43 am

    Anyway… you can never be ‘too nice’ to your sibling, can you ๐Ÿ™‚

    • December 4, 2009 / 3:15 pm


      Lol… when is he gonna bring home a gf for you to see… I keep forgetting he’s no longer a small boy!

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