A quick fix to looking younger

I’m a skin care addict. Serums, moisturiser, lotions, mists; I just love trying new products and sieving out the ones that do wonders for my skin. However, despite my diligence, the toll of long working hours in dry air-conditioned environment, coupled with bouts of intense cooking and baking in the kitchen, the stress of running my own businesses as well as regular shuttles out of the county has left my skin rather battered.

These days, my skin seems to need a little more help then what I can give it at home so I headed down to Centre for Cosmetics to meet up with Dr Irenaeus Liu Han Ping to see what he can recommend. Dr. Liu has a very charming personality and is an expert at tailoring non-invasive cosmetic techniques to shave years off tired faces.

He’s pretty meticulous and has already studied my face from photos that he’s seen on my blog and on my Instagram even before I had my first consultation with him. After a detail analysis of my skin issues as well as facial structure, he is convinced that his bag of tricks will work wonders on me.

By the end of 30 mins ( faster if you can do without numbing cream), I had some microbotox done on my forehead to reduce lines while retaining expressions, botox on each of my masseter muscles in the jawline to relax my overly strong muscles ( I tend to grind my teeth when I’m stressed) to create an even more feminine jawline and finally a little chin filler to elongate and balance the proportion of my face.

There are three segments on face that should be equal to creating a more beautiful face – from the forehead hairline to a spot between the eyes, from between the eyes to the bottom of the nose, and from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin. My first 2 segments are equal but I needed a little more length on my chin and that’s what Dr. Liu gave me.

The result is a more balanced and fresh face that took off years in an instant. I still retained all my natural features and don’t look wildly different from before. In fact, unless I tell, most people can’t pinpoint any difference and just tell me that I look so much brighter and well-rested compared to the previous time they saw me. However, as you can tell from the close up photos of the before and after, there is quite a difference to my jawline after that little bit of chin fillers.

The botox on my masseter muscles will take a few weeks to months to take effect. If you look at the photo above (taken after my visit), my jawline on the left and the right of my face is still not very even. I’m really looking to my jawline getting more balanced and to have a more graceful gradient in time.

Research suggests that hyaluronic acid fillers can induce collagen production and incite your skin to improve with strength, smoothness, elasticity and resilience. So if you think you look great immediately after a filler, you will only keep looking better as the days roll by!

With a quick fix in play, the next issues Dr. Liu would like to work with me is on my dry and tired skin that has resulted in ugly large pores around my cheeks. I’ve always had large pores but stress, lack of sleep and a general unhealthy lifestyle is making themselves visible through my even more pronounced huge pores and dull skin.

As I do not want any downtime, Dr. Liu has recommended me to try the Revlite Skin Rejuvenation laser followed by an oxygen facial. This laser system uses light energy to revitalise the skin so that it will stimulate collagen growth and minimise my large pores.

There is a strange stinging tingling sensation during the laser but nothing too unbearable.

Following the laser, to increase the effectiveness, I did an oxygen facial where a pressurized stream of oxygen delivers an active cocktail of tailored ingredients to my skin. There is nothing painful and uncomfortable and this procedure will work on any skin type including sensitive ones like mine. However, as I have rather sensitive skin, my face was pretty red and a little patchy after the facial so it took about 4 hours before the redness fully dissipated.

Multiple treatments are necessary for laser treatments so I’ve made an appointment a month later for my next session and will hopefully see even more results soon!

Meanwhile, I’ll just be diligent in using the recommended A-B-C Maxi White serum that is jammed packed with Alpha-Arbutin, Vit B3 and Vit C to help lighten my little freckles and bring more radiance to my skin.

Currently, I’m really happy with what have been done and I love that my face does seem that much brighter and fresher as my recent photos shows.

If you are looking for a non-invasive rejuvenation and to freshen up your look, do pay Dr. Liu a visit to see what he can do for you.

Center for Cosmetic 

1 Scotts Road,
Shaw Centre, #03-03A
Singapore 228208
Tel: +65 62359911
Email: info@centreforcosmetic.com

Thanks for reading!


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