Last minute shopping with gifts from The Body Shop


It’s that time of the year. With just 2 days before Christmas and an unfinished Christmas shopping list. For all last minute shoppers, you can pop by The body Shop to check out their range of products. Some of them are so prettily packed that you can skip the wrappers! I love their new festive scent ‘Frosted Plum’ and was grateful to have been able to try them out. I particularly like shimmer mist as it’s a very light mist that leaves me with a nice glow but without the crazy glitter bomb look.

The Body Shop has always been known for being against animal testing and this season, they have partnered with WaterAid, an international charity organisation, to help transform the lives of those without access to safe water. For every selected gift purchased. WaterAid will provide a family in Ethiopia with one day of safe water. Do your christmas shopping while helping a good cause.

Thanks for reading.


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