3 and a half girls

I love having Sunday brunches with my girlfriends and now we even have a little Arielle who joins our girly outings sometimes! I got her the pink dress she’s wearing on one of my travels but I think she’s out growing her clothes at an astonishing rate!

Bernice has definitely mastered the art of carrying Arielle and eating at the same time! Even though she only used one hand and her meal came last, she finished her whole brunch way faster then both Regina and myself! Impressive!

After brunch, Bernice followed me to my parents house to visit and to introduce little Arielle to my family. Below is a short little video of her playing!



  1. Cornelius
    November 24, 2010 / 2:29 pm

    I noticed one distinctive feature of girls: you refer to your female friends as GIRLFRIENDS.

    A straight guy will NEVER be caught dead saying their male friends are BOYFRIENDS.

  2. Cheryl
    November 24, 2010 / 2:36 pm

    I simply adore little Arielle 🙂

    • December 1, 2010 / 6:38 pm


      She’s definitely one cutie!

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