Gardens of Versailles

Gardens of Versailles

The gardens of Versaillies is huge! About 800 hectors to be exact and it is the epitome of the classical French gardenstyle perfected here by André Le Nôtre , a French landscape architect and royal gardener to King Louis XIV. One of the more…

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Palace of Versailles

Palace of Versailles

The court of Versailles was the centre of political power in France from 1682, when King Louis XIV moved from Paris, until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in October 1789 after the beginning…

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All about the LG Optimus One

All about the LG Optimus One

It’s been a roller coaster of a day and I finally got my video up for the LG Optimus One – Life’s Good Moments campaign! Go take a peek at my video here and remember to vote…

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LG – Life's Good

LG – Life's Good

It’s a really exciting and busy time for me these couple of weeks with so many new happenings on my plate! One of them is being LG Life’s Good Ambassador. For the next 7 weeks…

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McDo and the French

McDo and the French

I think it’s a widely known fact that the French takes serious emphasis on food and would easily spend 2 to 3 hours on a meal. Fast food and McDonalds (widely known as McDo among…

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The great unknowns of a train ride

The great unknowns of a train ride

As I mentioned in my earlier post and also very recently to my friend, Regina. I like taking the trains when I’m overseas. I’ll usually buy a zone pass and hop on and off stations…

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Paris, I'm on my way

Paris, I'm on my way

As you can tell, I’m going to start my posts of my France trip. Arriving in Paris in the morning, I was determined to navigate the trains to my hotel in the city instead of…

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Missing my Porcelain Face Spa

Missing my Porcelain Face Spa

Porcelain Face Spa is the one responsible for clearing up my skin and maintaining my face and back. For which I am really grateful. Having to fly very often for both work and leisure means…

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My godson Andre

My godson Andre

I rushed straight from the airport to the hospital so I could see my newly born godson, Andre. Perfect as he was in every tiny detail. He could melt the hearts of stone with one…

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Clara and Koji's birthday 2010

Clara and Koji's birthday 2010

The both girls celebrated their birthdays in their own special way. Clara spent it having dinner with Matt and Koji spent her’s at Chanel with her husband and me picking out her big birthday gift.…

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