{Travelling Tuesdays} Strawberries in the highlands of Bali

These days I’ve been dreaming of being away from the city and spending more time with nature. I guess I’ve a lot of pent up frustrations that needs an outlet to diffuse and nothing calms me like big open spaces or spending time out of man made buildings.

I’ve spent a lot of time in Bali previously and on one of my random road trips to the mountainous regions of Bali, I came across a strawberry farm perched on the edge of a superbly steep winding corner.

It wasn’t the right season for picking but the owners welcomed me and told me I was free to explore as I wish and pick any strawberries I could find.

It was a foggy afternoon and a little chilly but I loved the cool weather with the beautiful view of the terraced farms and paddy fields.

With the strawberries I picked, they made me a glass of strawberry juice. Absolutely delicious!

I ventured around the farm to check out some of the other vegetables after my tea break before heading back on the road.

{Travelling Tuesdays} post always stirs lots of emotions in me as I look upon fondly the places I’ve been, the memories I’ve created and the desire to seek more. I hope you that by sharing these with you, I can help uplift your spirits on this hot Tuesday afternoon.

Thanks for reading!


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