Flights of birds in Nagoya

Flights of birds in Nagoya

I’ve been a terrible blogger. Probably a better traveler but definitely a terrible blogger in the last few months. I had been juggling working and traveling for quite a few years now. In fact, I…

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A walk in winter time Nagoya after landing

A walk in winter time Nagoya after landing

    I love taking walks. To observe the people going about their daily lives and to take photos of interesting things I spot on my walks. It helps when the weather is not hot…

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December 2014 {InstaFlashback}

December 2014 {InstaFlashback}

It’s been hard trying to blog while I’m traveling as I don’t get stable enough wifi connection all the time which makes it hard for me to upload images. Instagram is still my go-to platform…

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November 2014 {InstaFlashback}

November 2014 {InstaFlashback}

I’ve been having a cray cray week and I almost can’t believe it’s Thursday already. When life gets busy, time flies which is a good thing as long as I don’t lose focus. I haven’t…

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June 2014 {InstaFlashback)

June 2014 {InstaFlashback)

It’s July already! Which means more than half of 2014 has passed us by. By the time you read this post on Saturday morning, I’m already in Lombok, Indonesia. It’s been a busy 2014 for me…

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{Travelling Tuesdays} Shopping trip to Tokyo with Sushi

{Travelling Tuesdays} Shopping trip to Tokyo with Sushi

As you might have already guess (if you are following me on Instagram @renzze), I’m currently in Osaka, Japan for a quick business trip. My dearest friend, Sushi, wanted to join me for a quick…

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Kidachi Detox and Diamond Vision from AFC Japan

Kidachi Detox and Diamond Vision from AFC Japan

In the last month, I’ve tried 2 products from AFC Japan. Their Kidachi Detox and Diamond Vision supplements. AFC is a leading Japanese health, beauty and wellness brand and it is the very 1st health…

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March 2014 {InstaFlashback}

March 2014 {InstaFlashback}

Happy Labour Day! It’s such a nice time to remind ourselves that we are lucky to be alive and be able to work even though we complain about having to work hard all the time.…

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Black Paint

Black Paint

I’ve first heard about Black Paint last year and even had the privilege of meeting the founder, Ms Miyuki Maeda, as well as understanding the science behind Black Paint from her. Black Paint hails from…

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Oh! Baby, House of Rose

Oh! Baby, House of Rose

I’ve been traveling a lot this season and mostly to crazily cold (the winter this year is simply ridiculous) and insanely dry climates. Thus I’ve been extra hardworking at taking care of my skin. Hydrating…

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