Natural Looking Botox at The Clifford Clinc

Natural Looking Botox at The Clifford Clinc

A fresher face that looks less haggard with lighter wrinkles appeals to me. I also won’t pretend that Botox, which can give me exactly that, isn’t appealing. For background, I started proper skincare later in…

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My Review Of Rejuran Healer – The Anti-Aging Cocktail

My Review Of Rejuran Healer – The Anti-Aging Cocktail

I’m grateful that I am in the golden age of technological development and research in the pursuit of youth and good skin. Beauty has never been so fascinating as it is now and I was…

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Silhouette Soft Thread Lift At SL Clinic

Silhouette Soft Thread Lift At SL Clinic

I would love to be 18 again. What I would give to experience the wonders of youth with the wisdom of age. While I can’t rewind time to when I was 18, I can try…

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Getting smooth and clear skin (almost) instantly

Getting smooth and clear skin (almost) instantly

To say I travel a lot is probably an understatement. In the last year (2015), I was away 185 days out of 365 days a year. That meant I spent more than half my year…

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Dr Cindy’s Premium IPL Facial Deluxe Therapy

Dr Cindy’s Premium IPL Facial Deluxe Therapy

In the last year, I’ve been traveling quite frequently and subjecting my skin to varied temperatures and climates without really taking good care of it. It was imperative that I take some time off to have…

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