Super Belated Mothers Day Post

Okay, to be fair, my Mothers Day celebration wasn’t belated at all. Just that the post is cause I haven’t been doing my daily post routine. Mummy had the dinner, cake, prezzies and my presence all on time! I won’t write too much cause I’m having a headache which is probably a result of my flu and fever so this is going be pretty much a photo post.

Dinner was at Paradise Dynasty which was first introduced to me by Audrey. I love the pumpkin dessert and the zha jiang mian here! I usually get an extra plate of the pumpkin cake *super greedy grin*.

The rest of the other food is also not bad. I’m going to flood you with all the food pictures now!

I wasn’t kidding when I said a whole bunch of food photos right? And we finished every morsel! I obviously come from a family that loves food. I really thank god I have a good metabolism rate that prevents me from gaining too much weight. My mother used to be really slim and then when she hit 40 she ballooned cause her metabolism just plummeted. I guess that’s probably going to happen to me as well 🙁

I’m a strong believer of relationships and bonding so I actually eat with my parents a lot and buy them gifts whenever I spot something they might like. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to show them how much I love them. But it’s always nice to have something to celebrate about so for Mother’s day, we had cake and wishes too!

I hope Mummy had a Happy Mothers’ Day. She is the cutest mum ever! We asked her to pretend to take, use, eat, hold stuff from advertisements around the place for some fun shots and she gamely obliged! Dad got into the fun as well!

I know Mothers Day and Fathers Day have all come and gone. But it really doesn’t matter if it’s a special day or just and ordinary day like today. Being able to spend quality time with family is a blessing.




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